Daniel Peffers: An Investor's Guide To the Colorado Marijuana Industry

Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed first time guest, Daniel Peffers. Daniel has been working different jobs in the Colorado Marijuana industry since 2014 gaining vast experience and insights into how the industry operates.

Daniel shares his vast industry insights into the Colorado industry insights including, all the taxes, rules and regulations, the difficulties in just opening a bank account or getting a paycheck, how only Colorado residents can hold a license along with many other interesting observations that a potential US marijuana investor will need in order to successfully navigate through all the red tape, rules, regulations and taxes in order to be successful.

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  1. @spiritualphysics on April 2, 2024 at 6:31 am

    why is sessions destroying america some more when prexy trump is trying to get back to "great"….? other than front running this info and enriching a few of his crony pals how did this decision help anyone…?

  2. @professorlayabout4878 on April 2, 2024 at 6:32 am

    Once the industry becomes normal the big profits will disappear. You have been warned….