New UK Medical Cannabis News Update 2024
New UK Medical Cannabis News Update 2024
It’s bout time we had one of these. Hope you enjoyed, oh and let me know what you think about what I covered in the video regarding psychosis!
Big thanks again to Alternaleaf.
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The biggest bull about all this is if you pay a " doctor" then it’s ok . But if you grow it or get it somewhere else then your going to get nicked . All about how can the government get the money .
One has to ask this:-
Why does the government not ban alcohol when there are more deaths caused from liver disease, accidents and violence, not to mention social disorder and vandalism from alcohol use than all the narcotic use put together?
It’s simple.
In order to make profit from alcohol one needs to produce it on an industrial scale, and that is not easy to hide from the authorities.
Therefore the government can tax the crap out of it, as they do.
On the other hand, "flower" can be grown in relatively small quantities and make a good profit, meaning it’s much harder for the government to get their massive cut out it.
If the government was that worried about our health and our general safety they would ban alcohol.
At the end of the day it’s all about money.
I’m 62 and have been smoking da herb since I was 14 (rock drummer) I can honestly say that I’ve had no ill effects from it and I’m definitely not psychotic.
You ask my ex wife….you’ll find her under the patio…😂😂😂
I dont agree even if there is a risk of phychosis they shouldnt be turned down for medical canabis because it wont have high thc isnt it the thc that apparently causes mental health crossing the road is a risk drinking smoking even eating most foods is a risk the government just dont want to legalise it
One of these are in sittingbourne Kent
they called it cannabis psychosis that affected 10% of people. lucky for me it only causes me dont give a shit syndrome and if i could give a shit im feeling far too lazy to do anything about it 🙂
I think the link between flower and Psychosis is true as you say if your already mental or have been a user of cocaine or amphetamines
Some people start using the flower, and some people have a tendency to become addicted to the flower, we are talking smoking over a time? Using cbd oil has no effect whatsoever, on any kind of addiction? There’s no reason for this flower to be restricted for use for medical treatment. And the resistance against the use of the flower, is just old fashioned stand-off, bigotry, drummed into them over the ages. And I don’t smoke the flower, or use it for medicine. . I just feel it’s a more natural medicine than the poison churned out by Big Pharma!
scuz me why i lite my spiff as we enter ww3 dont really go 2gether but then bob marley never did go with ww3
I have schizophrenia I’ve been using the flower for over 30 years which makes it difficult for me to get the flower therefore I’ve got to buy it off unscrupulous people finding somebody that hasn’t sprayed it with something Lake ketamine awesome other obnoxious chemical is getting harder define good stuff that has not been tampered with
The only issue we have with medical cannabis is they use nano technology for the bud . Thank you for this video
I heard "Can of bliss". Ya’ know like a tinned treacle sponge. 🙂
I might be one of the few who stopped using err.. tinned treacle sponge due to paranoia but that was mainly due to looking like I was experiencing a sugar rush and the paranoia was because I felt I was gonna get frisked for carrying something illegal like copious amounts of sweet sticky pudding stashed in my socks.
Basically I’d’ve been fine if it was legal. 🙂
I use MC for chronic debilitating pain due to Arthritis. It’s far better for me as its massively cut down the amount of opioid drugs i need to take. I know longer have to use fentanyl (in patch form) as i found its side effects horrible. Thanks so much for this update ✌️❤️
Anyone advise me please, what can I do to get medical cannabis? I’m in pain 24/7 since 2016.
Hi Katie .. I had a brain infection 10 years ago and I’m now living with nerve damage .. smoking FLOWER is the only thing that takes away my pain better than the medication I’m on (which are a cocktail of 3 controlled drugs )
This country needs to catch up with the rest of the world xx
medical cannabis is for me give me a script please lolol
Sounds similar to a certain F.C.
I feel haze is a big reason for this whole weed makes you crazy nonsense. Haze is possibliy my least favourite flower, increases my anxiety, brings on agoraphobia, enhances stress. Never had an issue like this with any other strain. In fact the starburst strain i feel produces the exact opposite to those effects. With how prolific haze has been in the UK for so long and knowing how it affects me im not surprised the general consensus is weed bad
im now fully legal, been using liquid thc for chronic pain, chronic fatigue, c-ptsd and depression, awaiting some gelato 33 to help me sleep. after years of using opioids i now feel human again, got my mind back ;0)
Don’t know why they said it a top secret location because it in the isle of man and there othere location is in wostershire 😂😂
I’m not a C consumer, but I fully support legalisation. It’s costing too much enforce the ridiculously restrictive laws this country places on something which is pretty much harmless when compared with more "legal" pharmaceutical options. I mean, even the more (comparatively speaking) conservative US has legalised it in some states. Great video, and I appreciate your passion on the subject.
Lets make the industry turn from HOPPS to HEMP 🙂
Don’t forget Corridor owner wife a Tory mp
I’ve never had a problem with using cannabis it’s a great plant 😊I gave up my medical prescription because I got fed up with the crap bud it not worth the money they charge
Kady, I’ve been loving your videos. You inspired me to start MC and I’ve been feeling all the better for it!
Please forgive me the rudeness of asking, but I’m from a small town on the norfolk-suffolk border and your accent just sends me back to my childhood. You have to be local to me, please confirm if true. It’s so rare to see people in ‘the wild’ who sound like my cousins and family friends.
Back home is big stoner vibes too so it’s just very fitting ☮☮☮
Personally I think that it’s all about control and monetisation. Pharmaceutical companies stand to lose a lot of money if you can legally grow your own medicine, and the British government seems to be phobic about anything you can take that is pleasurable and isn’t alcohol or tobacco.
Haha yes! Bout time we had an English flower power YouTuber. Blessed!
These flowers should be grown in everybody’s garden. Its Gods healing flower.🌼🌼🌼
I suffer CPTSD and Fibromyalgia, I want natural drug help instead of all the drugs I’m on!!!!
I have schizophrenia and I have been using the flower for over 30 years so it’s going to be very difficult for me to get medical flower have you got any ideas how I can get past this
Hi Kady just a quick catch up all went great with the Mamedica team no delays & got all my 3 in 3days doctor to door thank you so much for giving me the confidence to finally do it keep up the good work 👍✊
Flower as you call it was a big part of my life from the early 70’s to 2000’s however I couldn’t afford to buy it so I started to sell it to cover my habit . I eventually got busted,
I lost a lot of top quality bud and resin. I gave up smoking in 2013. I still love the experiences I had then but not being a smoker I want a blend of THC & CBD in a pill and legalized.
it would be a wonderful medication in my old age.
You are so cool and really helpful ❤
Who the fcuk would pay 2 grand a month for flower or oils 🙄 not that hard to grow your own and make feco/edibles and all the other good stuff 🙏
I’m looking into this how often do you need a consultation
Youre beautiful you are! Keep up the good work, keep the dream alive!! X
How could I possibly get past this it looks like I have to take my chances and hope nobody’s coated with something toxic chemicals help any ideas anybody
they need to legalise gun use if they legalise the ‘flower’, im on the flip side as someone that constantly suffers due to it. It stinks, my house stinks from other ppl outside/next door using it, my health suffers due to me needing a breathing machine at night, ive had to be admitted to hospital due to it, it causes me to have to have my windows shut during 35 degree heatwaves. get a cbd vape pen and do it in the privacy of your own house with YOUR windows shut if u are going to do it. If they legalise it they need to take into consideration the majority of normal people that dont want to be affected by it! Cocaine used to be used in nose surgery, can we legalise that too in case ppl need it for hayfever?? ridiculous
Well done for posting. You are doing a great job. 👼❤️
One of my boys, who is 23, has severe anxiety and has had it for many years. He is now on medical marijuana prescribed by his GP here in Australia and he actually gets the plant to smoke. Not ideal, but at the moment it the best plant for his condition and the difference in him has been amazing. The only funny thing is that for some reason it’s kept in my underwear drawer and when I open it to get fresh knickers the overwhelming smell of weed fills my bedroom. I tell my boys that one day I’ll be walking down the street and a Police sniffer dog is going to follow me because of my underwear 🤣🤣 My son does carry a letter from the Dr stating that it is prescribed but I worked for the police car here myself and they’re not interested in just a smoker, they are only after traffickers, usually of heavy drugs.
the thing is i been using concentrate instead of burning plants
the extract is vastly more noticeable without toxic combustables
the indistry is gonna boom. the strains i have used have all had very subtle changes to the conciousness or body effect some of it brings in anxiety some of it does the opposit.
same deal with mushbois and lucy
like i don’t know if i have eplepsy but i know my brain doesn’t talk to eachother and honestly i have control over my medical side i chose my food all natural if possble but yeh idk i think we need maybe to go for this farage guy because he wants the pints n smokes in the pubs back no? it would be very easy to get him on side change the laws and create a HUGE industry in england because all the growing could be done in our countryside in shipping containers hidden under lords gaffs. Oh wait. .. thats a movie.
like but that top sercet location could easdily be some underground silo for all we know in yorkshire
but yeh i think time to buy stock in Celadon Pharma
Wait the CEO’s name is PAUL ALLAN? 🥼🪓📰🍷💊
I am 70 now and have known a lot of people who have “used” and I know NO ONE, EVER that has suffered any psychosis from cannabis use. HOWEVER, if you suffer from cptsd or ptsd it is possible it might not be good, having said that I have older veteran friends who swear it helps them.
My mum suffered from crippling arthritis for years, nearing the end of her life she was in terrible pain, being a nurse for over 40 years she was well aware of the problems regarding long term pain medication and was very reluctant to take anything for it, the strongest medication she would take was low dose paracetamol, After leaving the army I connected back with some old friends of mine who I knew were smokers, I suggested she give it a try, at first she was very hesitant but after showing her the modern research and some documentaries regarding medical cannabis use in other countries she finally agreed, so, one night i rolled her a joint and stayed with her while she smoked it , the following morning when I went to check on her she was in tears, she stated that that night was the first pain free sleep she had had in ten years, so from that day on whenever her pain became insufferable I would roll her a joint and for a few hours she would be pain free ,she passed a couple of years later, I wish i had been able to help my father in law with his Parkinsons but he passed while I was still serving and had no access, The UK should legalise,and tax just like the other countries in the world, we should be able to grow our own, a max of 6 plants, all in different stages of growth this would end the need to buy from illegal sources….
Well said Kady, if people want to have a doob let it be, but medicinally it prob helps alot of people ✌️👍
O that ca word 😆 I definitely know that word 🤣👍
Theresa mays husband
I think that the psychosis is caused by skunk and high thc street weed. As I never heard of the a case caused by weed until.
Weed helped my pain levels but I hated the people I had to mix with. I now in bed in crazy pain.
This is my first time discovering your channel. I think that you are absolutely brilliant and a powerful and super empathising person who understands disabilities.
I’ve been refused this as an medical pain relieving option as I don’t have MS. I’m allergic to all opioid medications.
I suffer with daily debilitating medication conditions. To name a few I have chronic pancreatitis, acute pancreatic attacks which are caused by a rare medical condition called sphincter of Oddi dysfunction which is also excruciating. A serious attack can cause organ failure and potentially death in my specific case. I’m also at a high risk of pancreatic cancer.
I have osteoarthritis from my jaw to my toes, osteopenia of my spine and spinal cord issues causing falls due to nerve and numbness of my arms and legs. I have fibromyalgia which is like a satellite dish amplifying my chronic daily pain and also causes jerking and muscle spasms and even severe pain when touching my skin.
I have other conditions that I won’t go into.
The NHS pain management are unable to manage my 8 to 9/10 daily pain. I’ve just been medically retired and I’m just about to turn 50.
The standard of care I received from each specialist varies and I am under several specialists for each condition. If I did qualify for medical FLOWER then I would not be able to pay for it.
Buying it illegally is a risk especially as you don’t know what you are buying and I have no connections to find someone even if I had that intent. So ultimately, I am a prisoners of pain, civil war in my body and immune system and absolutely no assistance with pain relief. I did mention to several specialist I can not see me continuing to live like this long term as it is getting worse and would have to make a decision to end my life as I have no quality of life. That made them uncomfortable and I was made to feel bad that they were uncomfortable with my statements. As I have no mental health issues (unbelievably)and was no threat or had made plans to harm myself they dismissed me and said I should learn meditation or coping strategies. I use every coping strategy known to man and then some. Ironically I was asked by a psychologist if she could use my strategies in her job to help people cope who suffer from different issues.
The UK government is scared to help more people with FLOWER and foot the bill because they are worried of other issues such as decriminalisation etc…
The poor and sick alway will suffer and the say from Scrooge ‘decrease the surplus population’ comes to mind.
Apologies for the length.
i dont think its just having no empathy but its actually funny to those people. obviously theyd take anything they want whether its legal or otherwise. i think enough of the people at the top do whatever they like and no level of hardcore use would even make a dent in their wallets.
cheers for the update, the rumblings sound good, i reckon it’ll be 2028-31 when its legal here, after the next electionafter this one coming up.