Here's What The Failure Of Florida’s Amendment 3 Means For Cannabis Legalization
Here's What The Failure Of Florida’s Amendment 3 Means For Cannabis Legalization
Voters rejected legalizing recreational marijuana in the bellwether state. Here’s what it means for federal legalization and pot’s green wave.
Read the full story on Forbes:–means-for-cannabis-legalization/
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Prohibition and Reefer Madness are only pushed and believed by a very small, lunatic-fringe minority of irrational looney-tune Holier Than Thou types that are on a never ending little personal moral-crusade and witch-hunt against relatively benign cannabis and it’s consumers. The rest of us sane, rational, normal Americans just laugh our butts off at and mock utterly desperate lying prohibitionists and their ridiculous Reefer-Madness-Rhetoric as the comedy show they truly are!
Until it’s legal for every citizen to grow his own in Florida I will vote no! Not just for a few to get rich!
Denying cannabis legalization supports illegal activity…period. Clearly these politicians and power players are supporting black market funding.
Florida inst dumb thats why it was voted no
I’ve bought weed in Key West without an issue. Walked into a store.
I think Florida will be like north & south Dakota on this subject. They will put it on the ballot 🗳. And it will not pass not matter how many times it appears. Lol 😄😂🙈 regardless if it has homegrown or not.
Florida already has widespread use of marijuana. It’s called Delta 8 and 9. I already smell it everywhere. From rich suburbs to poor areas.
I don’t beleive this is the real result!
I’m born and raised in Florida. No way this didn’t pass!!!
You would think the older Americans would have passed this…..
Go ahead and stick with those prescriptions!
When there’s greed noticed in the either Legal or Streets those who care for the Earth and it’s health benefits fight for our rights to grow our own knowing that Time is worth more than Money since some can’t buy their Time back because they’ve always placed the Dollar above sharing a simple Seed or splitting a Business (Example) I’ll sell on my side of the Store and you sell your products 50/50 solutions. Some can afford quality and would never work for it while others can’t and would work so hard to provide their own Household. Let’s weed out those who don’t respect others Air space since I would not smoke around Children or Anyone in Public If it was a hazard or disrespect towards the Circumference AirSpace
It means one company should not have a monopoly on a product.
Many people that are pro did not support 3 because it did not allow personal cultivation. It was heavily supported by the producers to give them the monopoly. See "big tobacco" for the results of that kind of thinking.
Just to de-bunk this no it would not have made a monopoly that was a lie that was spread to make this amendment fail
Voting against this was irrational unless somebody is really a closet prohibitionist who remains against all cannabis use and is just using no home grow as their excuse to continue criminalizing millions of Floridians over cannabis possession and use
The problem isnt "with allowing home grow" at all. The real problem is that Floridans will continue to be criminalized over cannabis possession and use and the passage of the bill would have made cannabis possession and use no longer a crime. That’s what was most important. Home growing is already illegal anyway and always was. This bill did not prevent future home growing. It just didn’t include it. The passage of the bill would have legalized cannabis possession and use and we could have got home grow started afterward. It was a foot in the door. Without legalization of possession and use, home grow will never be legal either. So voting against this was irrational unless somebody is really a closet prohibitionist who remains against all cannabis use and is just using no home grow as their excuse to continue criminalizing millions of Floridians over cannabis possession and use
All the people pretending like they were against amendment 3 because of no home grow provision were truly always against cannabis use and never grew a plant nor rolled a spliff nor toked on a phat doobie in their entire lives, guaranteed! They want to continue the arresting, criminalizing and handing out life long permanent criminal records to Floridians but don’t have a rational reason why, so they pretend that no home grow means its better to keep it illegal and continue the criminalization of millions of Floridians! Don’t be deceived by their tricks, they never had any intentions of growing nor using cannabis ever. All fake! They trying to get us to be against our freedom and to be in favor of supporting more arrests and criminalization of our citizens.
That makes the decision between west palm beach/Jupiter island and Jamaica easy 😂
You can already get legal weed here. It will pass next time.
We are working vehemently to oppose this big business power grab not allowing citizens to grow their own as in other states. This new try will fail also.
Cannabis should be absolutely just as legal and easy to obtain anywhere as alcohol currently is. No exceptions. It’s so easy: As legal and easy to obtain/use as alcohol currently is. Why hold relatively benign, often healing cannabis to any sort of irrational, stricter double standard than perfectly legal alcohol?
If the amendment had been written fairly it probably would have passed. This sham would have made it legal to buy cannabis from expensive big businesses but remain illegal to grow it at home. This bill was written by and for big business that only cares about profits. Floridians aren’t stupid. Write a sensible and fair amendment next time, one that favors the tax paying public.
Floridians did NOT reject legalized marijuana. They voted against giving a small number of companies a complete monopoly on all phases of pot production and sales. If the law had included legal home growing, it would have passed. Experience has shown a strict monopoly does not take illegal pot off the streets, but does raise the price of legal pot. The big boys and girls lost because they got too greedy.
Prohibition and Reefer Madness are only pushed and believed by a very small, lunatic-fringe minority of irrational looney-tune Holier Than Thou types that are on a never ending little personal moral-crusade and witch-hunt against relatively benign cannabis and it’s consumers. The rest of us sane, rational, normal Americans just laugh our butts off at and mock utterly desperate lying prohibitionists and their ridiculous Reefer-Madness-Rhetoric as the comedy show they truly are!
Florida SUCKS !
It was 55 yes too 44no
Fear of Cannabis Legalization Nationwide is unfounded. Not based on any science or fact whatsoever. So please prohibitionists, we beg you to give your scare tactics, "Conspiracy Theories" and "Doomsday Scenarios" over the inevitable Legalization of Cannabis Nationwide a rest. Nobody is buying them anymore these days. Okay?
The alcohol and tobacco industries only care about their profits and margins, to attract investors, since “that’s good for business,” because marijuana legalization will get in the way of billions of American citizens from becoming addicted, by getting heart disease, and strokes as a result of binge drinking, leading up to respiratory issues, as a result of inhaling carcinogens from smoking/vaping nicotine, because everyone’s lung’s are f’ed up
If all prohibitionists get when they look into that nice, big and shiny crystal ball of theirs, while wondering about the future of cannabis legalization, is horror, doom, and despair, well then I suggest they return that thing as quickly as possible and reclaim the money they shelled out for it, since it’s obviously defective.
I have a feeling Disney is the silent majority that overwhelmingly voted no.
I am SOOOO HAPPY it failed. I lived where recreation marijuana became legal and it was awful the stench was 7 times worse. Before recreational legalization I smelled marijuana about 1 time per week ( medical was legal) AFTER recreational passed it was EVERY DAY! sorry pot smokers too many of your group do not care about infringing on other’s rights to breath fresh air. And edibles are not the answer because little kids get them and end up in the emergency room often. Not funny
If you’re not a born & raised floridian you shouldn’t be speaking on what we do
Amendment 3 allowed company’s like trulieve to not be held accountable for there actions . Like bad products in the past. It was a scam. Florida s want home grow and to keep the MSO’S OFF OUR BACK.
Legalize cannabis federally now. What’s legal to possess and consume in over half of the populated areas of The United States should not make you a criminal in states still being governed by woefully ignorant prohibitionist politicians. Cannabis consumers in all states deserve and demand equal rights and protections under our laws that are currently afforded to the drinkers of far more harmful, dangerous and deadly, yet perfectly legal, widely accepted, endlessly advertised and even glorified as an All American pastime, alcohol. Plain and simple!
Trulieves is, and was the real problem ! They want to monopolize the weed industry in the state of Florida ! That’s why the bill THEY wrote did NOT allow anyone to grow they’re own, which made it a big NO for me and everyone I know, whether they do weed or not.
It failed because it was set up for giant cannabis companies to win! Not the people! Amendment 3 would not allow private citizens to grow your own, you have to buy it from the millionaire cannabis companies! Not good for the people. Everyone read whats in Amendment 3.
Just decriminalize it. If I cannot grow my own then it’s not legalized! People need to look at how this law would effect them. I’m all for making it decriminalized. (That means no punishment for having or growing your own pot!) The law for Florida would have still made it a crime for growing your own stuff or from buying from a know dealer (that you trusted!) I’m not against people that smoke marijuana, just against stupid laws that don’t work and violate rights.
More Gen Z voters in 2028 are gonna vote yes to legalize weed. We were at like 56%, only 4% away from 60%.
I live in Fl and I have a MML and I am kind of glad it did not pass. Sorry, not really in favor of corporate sponsored "rights". That bill protected the companies that backed it. It limited THC in edibles and you cannot grow your own. Needs to be legalized like a tomato period.
DeSantis needs to FO and respect the freedoms of adults who don’t need the government to make personal health decisions for themselves
Since Obamas Presidency I’ve been inquiring and praying for Designated “Cannabis Only”Areas / Sections while even imagining a Special Unit for the Cannabis Flower (The same way Police have Gang Units or Counter Terrorism) Let’s make a division for those who understand the Plant and it’s Caretakers/consumers
Do not kid yourself Florida dodged a bullet!
The problem isnt "with allowing home grow" at all. The real problem is that Floridans will continue to be criminalized over cannabis possession and use and the passage of the bill would have made cannabis possession and use no longer a crime. That’s what was most important. Home growing is already illegal anyway and always was. This bill did not prevent future home growing. It just didn’t include it. The passage of the bill would have legalized cannabis possession and use and we could have got home grow started afterward. It was a foot in the door. Without legalization of possession and use, home grow will never be legal either. So voting against this was irrational unless somebody is really a closet prohibitionist who remains against all cannabis use and is just using no home grow as their excuse to continue criminalizing millions of Floridians over cannabis possession and use
Alcohol needs to be illegal Then because it’s way worse than marijuana.
You would have had to buy your pot from one person and could not grow your own
Go figure
If all prohibitionists get when they look into that nice, big and shiny crystal ball of theirs, while wondering about the future of cannabis legalization, is horror, doom, and despair, well then I suggest they return that thing as quickly as possible and reclaim the money they shelled out for it, since it’s obviously defective.
Fear of Cannabis Legalization Nationwide is unfounded. Not based on any science or fact whatsoever. So please prohibitionists, we beg you to give your scare tactics, "Conspiracy Theories" and "Doomsday Scenarios" over the inevitable Legalization of Cannabis Nationwide a rest. Nobody is buying them anymore these days. Okay?
All the people pretending like they were against amendment 3 because of no home grow provision were truly always against cannabis use and never grew a plant nor rolled a spliff nor toked on a phat doobie in their entire lives, guaranteed! They want to continue the arresting, criminalizing and handing out life long permanent criminal records to Floridians but don’t have a rational reason why, so they pretend that no home grow means its better to keep it illegal and continue the criminalization of millions of Floridians! Don’t be deceived by their tricks, they never had any intentions of growing nor using cannabis ever. All fake! They trying to get us to be against our freedom and to be in favor of supporting more arrests and criminalization of our citizens.
60% is a guaranteed failure.
Nothing in this country has 60% threshold of voters’ approval.
It was a bogus 1
This is also good for a upper respiratory doctors it will bring billions of dollars to them alone when you smoke a carcinogen like burning marijuana it’s severely damages your lungs and it’s irreversible I mean after all let’s tax the medical system more than it already is and then comes the lawyers to sue the marijuana industry just like the tobacco industry billions of dollars remember the tar and nicotine cigarettes causes addiction to cigarette smoking it’s the carcinogen from the burning tobacco and cigarette paper that damages the lungs good for everybody’s pocketbook but not good for the people with damaged lungs