Medical marijuana dispensaries in Missouri get approved
Medical marijuana dispensaries in Missouri get approved
Roughly 1,100 hopefuls in Missouri vying for licenses to sell medical marijuana at storefronts found out their fate Thursday.
That church… was my preschool LOL
This is such a lie. "Medical marijuana." One family member gets it and the entire family smokes pot. I live next door (not for long) to a 79 year old "medical marijuana" recipient. She apparently smoke her "medical marijuana" at 2 AM. These companies should be ashamed. This is the most toxic thing to be around. They lace it. They smoke it all day. This "79 year old woman" must have the best lungs in the history of the world, because at 79….she can smoke it like she’s 20 years old. Oh that’s right….she’s not 20 she’s actually "79" and has a prescription…..oh sorry I forgot. This whole thing is a ruse.
As if a church should b protected from the location of any legal business. The news person makes 2 digs ‘pot’ as medicine & no hanging outside to ‘toke’ up…..First of all any mature adult should b able to admit that a society that serves beer at a Catholic fish fry & treats alcohol as a reward to b found at ‘happy hour’, within grocery stores, whine tastings, & advertised in every major professional sport even with a huge attraction of children to those sports…..should have no irrational fear of cannabis in general. As medicine?? Than do a piece on those who r suffering from disease (cancer, muscle disease, crohns, ptsd, etc…etc) & the improvement to quality of life this could bring. That maybe a little more important than ur obviously bias & to b brutally honest ‘immature’ view of a historical change in state law. Its this type of low brow slight against medical marijuana that has kept patients suffering for decades. Please, stop insisting we care more about any group who registers its building as a church, than equal human beings who r ill. A natural remedy put on earth by ‘God’ sounds exactly like something every religion should support…..or u can continue to pray for the sick & see how well that improves their lives.
If THC is illegal then ALL humans are criminals and guilty, seeing THC is natural in the human body.
Same as a Salad, lettuce is an opioid after all.
Stupid Congress and USA voters may as well make WATER illegal, especially the water with fluoride/Methamphetamine
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