Cannabis & The 2020 Election (What You Need To Know!)
Cannabis & The 2020 Election (What You Need To Know!)
Is the state of cannabis in the 2020 election truly progressive? Adrienne Lawrence breaks it down.
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#AdrienneLawrence #2020election #Cannabis
I don’t smoke weed and I never will, but it should be legal. The only reason it has been illegal is because the big corporations can’t make money off it, like they do cigarettes!
Don’t need anymore reason to vote against trump but thanks for the insight. Glad my state already has medical marijuana. Changed my life
Are we missing the point here. I am in favor of the legalization of medical marijuana not state to state though. Instead it should be recognized by the federal government as a medication much like aspirin. That way everyone would be able to get assistance from their insurance companies and the insurer would only have to pay a small co-pay. Right now in our state of Minnesota medical marijuana is legal however if wanted Medicare to cover a portion they would decline the request.Because it is not currently recognized by the federal government. Recently I read the D.A.R.E.
Program took marijuana off of the list being a gateway drug to more intense narcotic use. Now that is huge step in the right direction.Years ago when I was a chemical dependency counselor I was following the guidelines set down by the federal government and the D.A.R.E.program. This was when Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy was in the White House. Nancy slogan was "Just Say No".Now ten years before I did recreational marijuana use but NEVER went on to a harder drug so I always questioned the validity of the facts about marijuana being a gateway drug. When you consider the fact that I had D2R2 gene (an addictive gene) I could have easily taken the next step up. Now I did others around me go on to harder drugs. But that was because they weren’t satisfied with the HIGH they got from marijuana so they branched out from it to find a more profound effect. Once they exhausted that drugs HIGH then they went to an even greater HIGH .I think you get the picture my friends were never satisfied and they always seeked out the ultimate HIGH .I have no idea what was missing in their lives but it appeared they were using drugs to fill that void. As I said before the legalization of medical marijuana not the state by state recognition rather by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT would greatly help out finally get insurance companies to recognize it and helping us get some help paying for the license, medical bills to see a medical doctor who can help you get the license, permit and finally the necessary bud that you may need. It is outrageous how much you have to pay for those components I was quoted $ 300 if that’s true then one third of my fixed income would be spent initially after that I was told $100 for the medication. That is outrageous too. If the major health insurance companies was to help out it would be greatly appreciated.
I think insurance should cover medical cannabis but holly hell 25,000?! What did he do, fill his apartment with it?
Corporate will always fk w us until
Class Action at rikskoty and if we Santis regress him too..
WAR @ courts heyol yeah.
=Trump has done more for black people in the history of US than any other president except Lincoln.////
ADRIENNE, you’re my new fave for the breakdown of lots of crazy bullshit into understandable chunks we can chew on, digest, and share with friends/family. Thank you.
legalise all drugs. It sounds crazy, until you realise the alternative of an unregulated substance keeping narco-terrorists in the Middle East & drug gangs & cartels in South, Central & North America along with a large part of the world being in charge of the drug trade & destroying countries, comunities & lives. All the genuine experts (not the polticians or those speaking on their behalf) say the same thing, "legalise & regulate." We literaly didn`t learn the lessons from the history of the prohabition of alchohol.
For a drug healthier (per say) by far than tobacco or alcohol, keeping it illegal just causes more gun violence, police violence, dea violence, cartel… …. keeping it illegal just causes more unnecessary violence.
Take it off the schedule list. Big pharma the plug gonna wanna schedule 2 which would make it legal technically.
I like the expungeing and helping these non violent bogus weed charges. Put a preference on those criminalized by it in the industry too.
Real Rick Ross, if the government can use crack to fund Nicaragua contra, why tf can they not exempt weed of the schedule system like tobacco and alcohol.
If Bob Marley were alive today, he’d still probably get shot by police. That’s why they shot Philando Castile.
"A war in the streets and a war in the middle east, instead a war on poverty they gotta war on drugs so the police can bother me."
Legalize, recreationalize, regulate. Create jobs and make the state revenue.
Weed legalization really isn’t a progressive issue, Republicans are all about that money, they like making hand over fist in the states where it is legal.
Kamala chameleon
Absolutely ridiculous that she would be called ‘the most liberal senator’. JFC.
Really like the new show and format, Adrienne, but I have one nitpicky (but constructive I hope) comment: the live action gavel combined with paint wipes in the open create the connotation that this is a syndicated daytime court show and you are a judge. Just so your graphic designer doesn’t hate me: the logo and color palette are great and the music works well. I understand why the gavel is there — the subject matter is specific and different than the typical TYT franchise — but its an image often associated with that genre. Like I said, nitpicky, I overall enjoy the content and structure of the show.
BIDEN 2020
The marijuana issue is on the ballot in Arizona. I hope we legalize finally. There is good tax money to be collected by the state. I think it’s a win-win.
She ain’t done shit shaggy
It’s really crazy seeing a no spin left leaning video thank you for being intellectually honest
I don’t even think Snoop dog could spend $25,000 on weed thats a bit extreme. And that’s coming from someone that smoked multiple times a day.
"if fed gov gets into the opioid business, marijuana will be very legal at the federal level"?????
I like how you just state the facts and leave it to us to decide. No shade on Emma but she always got emotional to the point to where she made it feel like if you don’t agree with everything she says then you are wrong. Reporters lose a lot of credibility doing that. Welcome to your new show.
Thank you!
My God, Harris’ false Clintonesque laugh is intensely nauseating 🤢
If you wanted cannabis legalization, you shouldn’t have voted for Biden in the primary.
Thank you.☺
Just say no, kids.
Why Harris will NEVER win the presidency: Her appallingly fake, grating, nauseating Clintonbot “laugh.” It’s singular electoral toxicity can’t be ignored if/when she runs.
It all comes down to the money, which is huge, and who gets that money. And don’t forget prison is just a business, insurance is just a business.
I think insurance should cover medical cannabis but holly hell 25,000?! What did he do, fill his apartment with it?
Adrienne 💘
Imagine if republicans said you were like Franklin Roosevelt and then you insisted you were nothing at all like FDR.
Your going to expunge the records of people with Weed related charges but in some states those are felony charges? Those people now deemed felons can’t vote in said states because of having a felony so… How exactly are you getting the support of these people who can’t legally vote because of the felony because of the weed?… I’m not saying I disagree with this! What I’m saying is a portion of that 64% can’t legally vote sooo.. are with the felony’s being expunged they should be able to vote again? Which is good but what about repeat offenders?.. I get it it’s a plant not a drug but if you clearly didn’t have respect for the law to keep screwing around and getting in trouble then…. That didn’t really say a lot. Weed for most people ks not addicting and there’s really no reason why people can’t stop smoking. If you have multiple charges over weed over numerous years should we really expunge that? I just kinda feel like if your dumb enough to keep getting caught and getting in trouble then you really learned nothing. Now if you were smoking for medicinal purposes then okay but there’s how many many people out there who wrongfully claim they have "issues" and get a medical card just to get thigh. Plus you can’t operate heavy machinery or even drive rite wile high. Some people can but a lot of people can’t. How in the hell are you gonna get around that? Im just curious cause I would like to see it legalized myself but there’s to many factors here that don’t exactly add up.
I disagree that "we are (at a place) about where we should be" solely on the fact that Seattle for instance has had its 29th annual Hempfest just pass & that tells me we’re about 30 years behind
Bottom line, both candidates are in the pocket of Big Pharma and neither will do what needs to be done. Fuck the duopoly.
I remember them putting us in jail over the same people who used to lock us up, are making billions of the legal marijuana business.
Hey every body Weed Stocks GROW as Marijuana Legalization spreads in the U.S. Please visit my channel on Stock Market Investing and Weed Stocks to check out. YouTube channel is bclaude87
This is why we stay under ground.
vote although Biden lead!!!
Take 2016 as a lesson . Don’t expect Biden to win if you don’t go out and vote . No voting means a vote for Trump
we tried decriminalization in canada, didn’t work, just turned into fines cash grab from the police… only one solution, LEGALIZE IT.
P.S. Dear Miss Adrienne .. I did a little look-see via YT here, and was unable to find "TYT Overruled". Can u help me Sub??
Adelson mafia.. surterra. Trulieve.. Curaleaf is owned by russian?! In broward county fl.
Major pos legislators
Adrienne – 🤗🤗👍🖖😎😷
You have really nice teeth.
Where is emma?
Pos de santis is all in w surterra and ketamine for addicts..
Well.. nikki fried agri commish. Said de Dani did not wanna hear about pot for opioid suffering
What is she attempting to articulate at 00.01:28 to 00.01:30 roughly "that YOUR state coudDūhdduhuhfå(inaudible)"?
She doesn’t support the green new deal because she is for fracking. She is for decriminalization and not legalization. She is a milquetoast corporate democrat.
Great video. Very informative.