Great Lessons From The Marijuana Stocks Crashing Today
Great Lessons From The Marijuana Stocks Crashing Today
Read my article about never falling in love with a sector, just trade its volatility and that mentality protected me against big losses as weed stocks are down 25-50% on the day today due to prospective law enforcement regulation
Here’s an outline of my lessons learned from the Marijuana Stocks Crashing Today
0:13 The US is ending a policy that let’s legal marijuana flourish. This happened 20 minutes before the market opened. This absolutely crushed the pot stocks today.
3:55 So many of you want rules to live by (if this happens then buy, if this does NOT happen then don’t buy!), but it’s all about judging the situation. The news is really bad for the marijuana sector. This is why they’re all down so significantly. Beware of pot stocks today.
4:45 The Marijuana stocks are getting crushed right now, but it could be a potential dip buy.
7:22 I review my limit price for selling Marijuana Stocks
8:30 I don’t trust offshore trading brokers. I use etrade and will write a blog post about what I’ll be trading with this year.
10:20 The more training you have, the better. And it’s tough to train when you have a lot of money in the stock market.
12:30 I’ve learned one important lesson: CUT LOSSES IMMEDIATELY when you hear news like this. The news about the reversal of marijuana laws is devastating to the marijuana stocks today
16:04 You don’t have to hold on to stocks. I should not have chased these stocks or felt guilty missing out.
nevermind american pot stocks Canadians are making millions
You dont understand. People that invest in pot stocks dont give a fuck about the law. It’s going right back up.
I WILL PROTECT!!! Tim, if I could only share with you the amount of IDIOTS here in AUSTRALIA who are believing these Marijuana Plays are going to be the next biggest thing!! Only 1 or 2 will make it! “First In the market place will always be the leader in the market place”! When America sneezes, the entire world catches its cold!! If people want to know the future, it’s easy JUST LOOK AT THE PAST!! 6 months usually is the delay time so I always use other leading markets as a rough “guide”! Thanks for another AMAZING video lesson !!!
are you going to confirm it was a fake dump?
I will protect!
… by cutting losses quickly!
I will protect! And I love that you laugh at yourself when you said "nugs".
I will protect 🙂
I will protect
I will protect
i will protect
I will protect
Tim: I need some cash I rep u so hard
Out here in California Ventura county
I need some cash ..
And I just got my note 8 nd my screens defective
There making me pay ..
I need $$ please help me
All of a sudden their selling pounds for less than a hundred bucks ? What’s that tell you ? Marijuana makes great compost .
Thank you Tim!!!!
I will protext
I will protect. I will protect. I WILL PROTECT!
I will protect
I will protect !
And how many f’ing times have you said it Tim? "CUT LOSSES ASAP?!! Dumb asses
I lost 30% of my account a month ago in a similar situation, I really didn’t know how to react. The best lesson I learned is that very bad news usually take a week to settle in and then the bounce comes. Best you can do if the news catch you in is sell no matter what at market open and wait for at least a week. Catching a bounce is only for proffesional players
I will protect my account!
I will protect and i will watch this video again
Tim I have $5,000 to invest since I have been flipping stuff on Craigslist and Facebook flea market but what platform should I use? There are so many such as Robinhood,acorn, etrade, TD Armeritrade ally invest and more. Thank you for the help in advance. My email is
i will protect
I will protect
I will protect my operations 🙂
Thank you for teaching me not to be stuck in the play.
I will protect
Don’t ride it down the toilet. Got it. Thanks Tim 😊
I will protect
I will protect!
True religion… Bringing back the old warning I haven’t heard that in your YouTube videos for years. Fantastic
Sessions crashed the stock cause he realized he’d missed his entry 😜
i will protect
Have you heard of Aurora cannabis I became a millionaire of that stock
I will protect
i will profit
I will protect
I will protect
Hey Tim why don’t u use Ustocktrade for unlimited day traded?
I will protect
I will protect
i will protect
I disagree with pot stocks! Made a shit load!! Lmaoo financial freedom baby! Lol 😂
I will protect. I have tendency to hold, I can’t afford day trading because of my tiny account right now
Hello. I’m trying to get opinions on whether to buy weed stocks through the Canadian exchanges or through OTC markets. I see all the well known companies are available on both. Are the OTCs safe in regards to dual listed companies?
i will protect.