Reaction to the DEA's decision on marijuana rules
Reaction to the DEA's decision on marijuana rules
CBS News’ Tony Dokoupil asks New Yorkers what they think of the DEA’s decision to keep marijuana classified as a schedule 1 drug, in the same category as heroin and LSD.
a government that doesn’t listen to there own citizens is at risk of failure and revolution.
Why do they have any say in this? Their supposed to enforce rules not write them.
Go to the DEA office next time your sick and see how fast they tell you their not doctors and can’t treat you.
Defund the DEA until they actually care about Americas well being. Our OWN GOVERNMENT has patents for the medical uses of marijuana.
All drugs have pros and cons.They can be used wisely and can help people but they can be used foolishly and can destroy people.
The problem is, Pro marijuana advocates have been using "medical" marijuana as a trojan horse to legalize "recreational" marijuana. The DEA is acting on this "pro med" approach, and strictly speaking, their response stands on logical ground.
We need to drop the "medical" weed approach and get right to the brass tacks. What we really want is recreational weed, just like alcohol and tobacco.
Nuff said!
This is a human rights violation.
Put the death sentence on the table for anything to do with pot.Asset forfeiture and triple the jail time.That will fix them dirty hippies.
It’s all about the money, once again, for the greed of many industries instead of what is best for people and planet. Many other countries have researched the medicinal benefits, we do not need to reinvent the wheel, total crap! Does anyone realize how many industries would be financially impacted if we used the cannabis plant to its potential beyond medical? Once again, it goes back to getting corporate greed out of our politics. People, we must stay focused on getting the money out of politics. If we get the greed out, do you understand how many problems will be solved simply by getting the money and favors out of our politics? It’s all about the money. If it was about protecting the American people then why is it that alcohol is not considered a schedule 1 drug? We are being played for stupid fools in this nation yet the working people are the back bone of this country. People, please think and then join the fight to get money out of our politics!
0:06 The reporter’s name is Toenail?
Blame it on Weed.
We all know the reason The DEA is holding out. Lots of empty jail cells upon federal legalization.
Fuck the DEA. They’re only trying to save their own asses. No medical use? You only look like fools now.
Total rubbish….WHY then does the Government have a PATENT on this plant if there’s NO Medical value???! Also, WHY are our bodies made up of an endo-cannabinoid system an our brains wired with more cannabinoid receptors than ANY other type receptor in the human brain?
the dea is officially a radical law enforcement terrorist group
Yea they need to Legalize it I hear ya
we will always continue too SMP F:)ck the Government.
More reporting on how ending the alcohol prohibition during the great depression helped economic recovery please!
DEA ignores favorable medical research on marijuana to help the private prison, big pharma, alcohol and tobacco corporations.
Legalize weed now! Enough demonetization of a plant that cures cancer!
At least by allowing legitimate scientific studies to be conducted, it is a procedural step towards re-classification. While the vast majority don’t buy into the ‘reefer madness’ anymore, the gov’t has to take things step by step. With more and more states allowing recreational use I think the push to complete each step will accelerate as time goes by.
Makes me sick to see the USA ignoring the Cascades of Research done in Israel, Spain France… There is a ton of DATA available. Sick because; they know the truth and continue with their lies!
It’s all about the money folks. The feds are making a lot over a benign plant. That’s why they aren’t listening to public opinion.
How many people have died from weed heroin lsd and alcohol individually. 0 for weed
Ummm so what if people want to smoke it recreationally, wouldn’t legalizing it federally take all the money out of the actually dangerous black market dealers and cartels? And you know what is really funny, if marijuana has no medical use then why does our own Government have patents for marijuana related to its medical uses? Cant explain that one can you…
DEA is a joke, Americans opioid epidemic could have been stopped yrs ago with common ducking sense. Marijuana = 0 OD’s. Trump 2020 & make weed legal nation wide! Abolish the DEA they all have been bought off by big pharma
Multiple studies published in Israel starting 35 years ago prove the medical benefits of THC. The DEA is addicted to the money.
This is not ridiculous or stupid. This is an outright fraud and corruption within DEA. There is nothing to debate about. Put them in prison.
How about better journalism? its no wonder this video presently only has 4,800 views. These people reporting the "news" know almost next to nothing it would seem.
Only paranoid people who are afraid all the time are going to follow these losers decision saying that cannabis is dangerous first off cannabis is the only thing that I can use for epilepsy and I cannot have any chemicals or it can be triggered and it works 100% cannabis that is I am living proof that cannabis is a medical plan and actually does work to heal the nervous system so I Honestly don’t care what they have to say and I’m going to live my life without fear of these people they are just people just remember that I will try to push their weight around in society has no bearing on really what you do and less they purposely come after you to cause you problems
No medical benefits? Our government is so corrupt and everyday they prove it. Total B.S!
more and more people are getting arrested for weed while a drunk person gets a less punishment. I hope weed is legal soon.
Fuck dea they wanna act fuckin ignorant
What would you expect from a government that is addicted to dirty lobby money, big pharma makes the rules now, not us.
Tobacco is the "drug" that should be classified schedule 1, not Cannabis. Alcohol should also be classified as a schedule 1 drug.
its not that they have confusion over of whether or not its a dangerous substance, they know its not a dangerous substance they just keep illegal because they make more money by doing so
That was an awkward ending, could have let Tony the pot reporter finish his thought.
legalize it already! it was legal for 6,000 years!
The DEA tried marijuana EVERY time they burned it. That’s why they don’t want to let it go… They want to get high on the job.
"Our" government is a piece of shit.
they use it for the war on the people!! i smelled pot so i shot him, kicked in his door.. what else can it be? pot is not killing anyone.
The problem is having screwed-up people in GOV.The hell with them all, burn one, two if you like. F~EM.
FDA ruled THC safe in 1985, and made it a schedule 3 drug in the 1990s. The DEA ignores this.
fuck the feds
illegal pot is profitable for the dea in the form of fines, grants, fedral funding and jail time. so it’s no suprise that they said what they said.
long live the black market. thanks DEA cartel:)
Fuck you DEA and the Feds.
ok soo here is the voice of the Government, " Hey son (a certain young age) its perfectly ok for you too have strong feelings with your best friend Fred. when you get older you can marry him" oh but son, dont smoke pot its bad and illegal" WTF is wrong with this
I knew they would fuck it up. who is going to want to take that shit med
Seriously, one of the biggest industries in this country involve the war on drugs. Do you think the feds would give up one of their most lucrative products ? Just think of how mamy cops of varipus departments would be out of work if pot was legalized ? Not to mention all the assorted industries making cop and military related products ?
He will not be bringing his father in anytime soon!!!
it s not because it s dangerous is because there is not taxes load on it , and they know if they legalize it others besides the major market , private overrated corporations , and high branded companies like pharmacies will fall down,
what you think that the government care about us ???
Now remember everything in excess is unhealthy in some ways.