
After being used in traditional healing in India and China for thousands of years, the turmeric medicinal uses are finally being taken up here in the West. But what are the benefits and what is the best way to take it?

Traditional turmeric medicinal uses include help in healing cuts and wounds, headache relief and the healing of many skin problems like eczema and psoriasis.

With many studies now completed, there is finally proof of just what an effective herb it is. Its active ingredient called curcumin is responsible for the health benefits being a strong antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory substance.

The list of important health benefits is growing each year and includes protection from heart disease, improved liver function, better mental health, easing of type 2 diabetes and even prevention of some cancers.

It protects your heart by lowering the bad or LDL cholesterol and keeps the arteries clear of any platelet build-up. These can cause clots if not treated which can then lead to a heart attack or stroke.

By improving liver function, it helps you to detoxify more efficiently which can increase your metabolism and maintain the natural balance in the body.

Regarding diabetes, it was found that it can lessen insulin resistance and help prevent type 2 by dampening the inflammatory response provoked by obesity.

Recently scientists have become excited about its cancer prevention properties. Studies have shown how turmeric can induce the cancerous cells to kill themselves without affecting the healthy cells around them.

This could lead to a breakthrough in cancer treatment and this herb is also known for its antioxidant cancer prevention qualities.

So how can you maximize the benefits of turmeric?

To improve its bioavailability, it should be combined with other nutrients like piperine from black pepper and ginkgo biloba. Piperine especially helps to significantly enable more turmeric reach your bloodstream.

If taken on its own, even in very high doses, very little is shown to reach the bloodstream.

A 98% pure standardized extract should be used as many contain less and will rob you of many of the health benefits. Dosage wise, 50mg a day is optimal provided it is blended and the supplement has an enteric coating.

I hope you enjoyed reading about the turmeric medicinal uses and will make a point to start using this potent and unique herb to protect your health and mental well-being.

If you would like to learn more about the nutritional supplements I personally take that contain turmeric extract, visit my website below.

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Ric Hawkins is a dedicated researcher of nutrition, diet and a healthy lifestyle. Take a moment to visit his site now at www.natural-supplements-site.info and discover the very latest nutritional supplements he recommends after extensive research.