Could Texas decriminalize marijuana? Here's how the state is one step closer
Could Texas decriminalize marijuana? Here's how the state is one step closer
House Bill 441 lowers the criminal penalty for possessing 1 ounce or less of marijuana and provides a path for those charged with such a crime to have it expunged.
Tax it and use it for border patrol
It would be amazing if Texas fully legalized. Although, if that happened Texas word probably tax it higher than other states. Maybe but who knows. If there was only a 15% tax that would be a dream come true lol
Just legalize already
I bet the people standing in the way of legalization get high off of something.
As a life long pro-life Republican, I hate how the war against cannabis has ruined lives of others. I also believe that citizens don’t trust the police because of the injustice the enforcement of cannabis laws brings. We have corrupted a significant number of police officers, who are being shown to violate the rights of citizens. Now that everyone has a camera at it’s clear the enforcement of bad drug laws has led to many problems in law enforcement. We will all be safer when this madness stops. The man standing in the way of reform is Dan Partick and as a Republican I’m willing to vote for Democrats to see this madness stop. All the youtube videos of police officers abusing the rights of citizens along the road side is sickening.
I growing now
Hope they pass it so i don’t have to buy from shady dealers
This guy explains the vape pen and edible thing better then anyone else he knows what’s up
I support freedom.
Did those people start that fight fifteen years ago? Well who the f knows I don’t smoke it
It’s been recreationally legal in Colorado for 10 years now, shouldn’t we give all Americans the same rights and equality
Decriminalizing it is not enough. We need full legalization. This has been ridiculous, especially from the greatest state in the nation being the dumbest when it comes to marijuana laws!
Stop treating marijuana as a criminal moral issue. Get with common sense Texas! Fully legalize it!