Why is Marijuana even illegal?
Why is Marijuana even illegal?
We took a look at how drugs are classified and what makes the US government think that marijuana is one of the most dangerous drugs. We found that, unsurprisingly, it isn’t and should be removed from the schedule 1.
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I agree to legalize weed, but I hate how potheads that can’t even get out of bed without a "wake-and-bake", deny that weed is addictive? there’s people that are high 24/7 but will deny they’re addicted? they call em "potheads" for a reason! you smoke weed 24/7! you’re addicted! just admit it!?
Weed is a black mans drug while cocaine is a white mans drug, that’s why weed is classified as a schedule 1 drug. #corruptgovernment
feds need to get their heads out of their assholes and do their jobs
So, let me try to understand this, and feel free to correct me if I am wrong. But, it seems like the criteria for this list does not specifically take into account the health effects of the drug, which really I think would be the most important factor in determining whether or not a drug should be made illegal.
Or is that factor covered under how easily abused a drug is?
you can’t compare marijuana to alcohol or nicotine, because those are legal and more readily available. that’s like saying morphine should be street legal because less people are currently addicted to it than alcohol. it doesn’t work. I agree with legalizing marijuana even after seeing what it did to some of my friends I will never do it, I understand the benefits of legalization for pacifying the masses and preventing black markets. but this argument in particular is fallable.
You have documentation of ppl going to rehab specifically for pot? Really? Because I’ve been at least 50 times for booze and while most smoke pot the idea of it qualifying under Step 1 of the Steps to Recovery of AA/NA is beyond laughable. Hell, since it’s NOT physically addictive you wouldn’t have been admitted for pot alone to any rehabs I’ve been to. Your point is well taken but even YOUR data seems skewed.
It is already legal via the 9th amendment which states "The enumeration of certain rights in the Constitution shall NOT be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." We have always had the right to be "one with nature" because we ARE nature and cannot be justly separated from it.
Turn Up The Heat:
Why is Hemp without THC still banded ???
the title should say "… less dangerous than.."
last time I smoked, the only thing I was able to get done was sit on the couch and eat.
also overtime it causes apathy and lack of motivation or care, and IT IS ADDICTIVE, maybe not physically but mentally IT IS., stop denying that
don’t compare a drug to a more dangerous drug, that’s like saying "ok I robbed my neighbor but it’s not as bad as robbing a bank,"
compare it to healthy living.
remember this to no one has ever died from the overdose on marijuana you would have to smoke your whole body weight to die from it and you couldn’t even smoke a quarter before you pass out
Cannabis plant has so many uses, the stalk and stems, the fan leaves, the sugar leaves, the flower or bud, and the seeds. This plant can take out/ make more money than many businesses. It can replace cotton, wood, petroleum, pharmaceuticals, insulation, concrete, nylon, and much more. The flower, seeds, and leaves are full of vitamin, protein, and minerals. Many drug dealers do not want it leagal, why because you can grow it virtually anywhere in the us. Shit, if it was legal, I’d grow in my front yard, backyard, and in my room ad a house plant
Watch this 60 Minutes episode. "A New Direction on Drugs" which aired on Dec. 13, 2015, and was rebroadcast on June 5, 2016.
Michael Botticelli is the president’s new director of the National Drug Control Policy.
The schedule system DOES NOT go from least dangerous to most dangerous. It goes from schedule 1 having the most risk with no known medical use to schedule 5 having low risk with many medical uses. Opium is high risk but has medical use which is why it’s schedule 2
It is clear to me marijuana should be legalized, it is comparable to alcohol and smoking. It’s just not appropriate for a democracy to arbitrarily criminalize something, some, or most, people don’t like. Freedom to choose should be at the basis of a democracy. Sure, the state can regulate, inform, advice, and even deter, but that’s different from criminalizing. I don’t drink, smoke or use marijuana, at all, I don’t like it, and I don’t like it when other people do it, but I don’t think they commit a criminal offence when they do.
I think the emphasis should be on decriminialising MJ as opposed to legalising it, as with anything legalised, it is open to corporate abuse
this made me laugh.. yeah, pot is so much worse than cocaine! fuck it, heroin should be listed as a scedule 5 drug, cause obviously it’s not nearly as bad as pot! lmfao.. yeah whatever. i’ll never understand their reasoning. i’ve only smoked pot once, and I didn’t even feel any different. It was literally a waste of time. And i’m sure not craving it or addicted, so their "addiction" argument is invalid. I’m definitely more addicted to video games. And either way, what would it even matter? Half of america is addicted to fucking type 2 diabetes and I don’t see any change? God damn, donuts are way fucking worse for you than pot..
I agree 100 percent! Marijuana should be legalized, period!
It’s simple it’s illegal because if u get in an accident while on pot there is almost no way to tell if u were stoned 3 days ago or an hour ago. Insurance companies and the government would lose to much money.
“The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had
two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m
saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war
or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with
marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily,
we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid
their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night
on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of
course we did.” John Erlichman – Nixon’s domestic-policy adviser
Dahhh… Dahhhhhh… what did he say? Ahhh oh yeahhh, oh what? ahhh oh, legalize it then subject it ( when it inevitably falls under the umbrella of Altria) to the same regulations as the tobacco industry, what? what? Ahhhhhhhhhhh, ouuuch, that hurt man.
Why is marijuana considered one of the most dangerous drugs and classified as Schedule 1?
Since keeping it Schedule 1 generates more revenue for CIA black ops and justifies national guard involvement, black hawk helicopters and SWAT raids.
Too many taxsucker livelihoods depend on the status quo.
The United states of America is the biggest drug dealer in the world
Excellent video. Speaking as a proud moderator of /r/trees, marijuana should be legalised immediately due to it’s role as a cure for 90% of all cancers.