Archive for July 2019
Oregon is Selling Legal Weed For $2
Oregon is Selling Legal Weed For $2 Thought i’d quickly sit down to sesh and weigh in with my opinion on why weed is so cheap in Oregon! [MY SOCIAL MEDIA] → Website: ( → Instagram: ( → Twitter: ( → Twitch: ( → Patreon: ( SPONSORS: → Glassy – [] Use code “StrainCentral” to…
Read MoreXanax – A Drug that can Comfort you
Anxiety a Serious Problem If you feel that anxiety and depression usually are not anything serious, think again. You can’t ever underestimate the results of depression as well as anxiety. This disorder is regarded as a poor opponent of your health. It is possible to point out some of the warning signs of the anxiety…
Read MoreWhat Happens When A State Grows Way Too Much Weed (HBO)
What Happens When A State Grows Way Too Much Weed (HBO) When Oregon legalized recreational marijuana, the state decided to make the market as free and accessible as possible. It didn’t cap licenses, or restrict access to people living in state. It also made entry super cheap—growing licenses in Oregon go for as little as…
Read MoreHere's how Ohio patients can obtain medical marijuana
Here's how Ohio patients can obtain medical marijuana Before Adam Enz ever exhaled a vapor cloud of marijuana, the Monroe High School grad fought to keep the United States safe. Subscribe to WLWT on YouTube now for more: Get more Cincinnati news: Like us: Follow us: Instagram:
Read MoreMarijuana Activists Suing CU-Boulder Over 4/20 Campus Closure
Medical marijuana supporters are filing suit against University of Colorado Boulder for a campus shut down this Friday. CU Boulder has indicated that it does not want the annual marijuana smoke out held on campus to be stopped and because of which around 10,000 people have gathered at Norlin Quad to light up on 4/20…
Read MoreTHC vs CBD: What's In Your Weed?
THC vs CBD: What's In Your Weed? How do CBD and THC work differently? Two Stoned Guys Try To Explain The Respiratory System | STONED SCIENCE: Listen To Our Podcast Sidenote! Created by: Mitchell Moffit and Gregory Brown Written by: Greg Brown Illustrated by: Max Simmons Edited by: Sel Ghebrehiwot FOLLOW US! Instagram…
Read MoreDispensary Tour House of Dank in Detroit, MI Medical Marijuana Collective
Dispensary Tour House of Dank in Detroit, MI Medical Marijuana Collective House of Dank Dispensary Tour, Detroit Michigan 3340 E. 8 Mile Rd, Detroit, MI 48234
Read MoreStrain Review: 9 Pound Hammer
Strain Review: 9 Pound Hammer 9 Pound Hammer is a perfect example of how a cannabis strain gets named after the effects it creates. People have reported that once they take a dose of it, they feel as if they’ve been hit with an instantaneous onset of cerebral activity, not entirely unlike getting hit in…
Read MoreWhy Does Marijuana Have So Many Names?
Why Does Marijuana Have So Many Names? HELP SUPPORT NAME EXPLAIN ON PATREON: TWITTER: Thank you to all my Patrons for supporting the channel! Ahmad Al Enezi, Ahyan Panjwani, Alasdair Chi, Alexander Miururi, Alexis Polanco-Mccabe, Alp, Amanda Black, Amanda Gillies, Amanda Groe, Amelia Ahring, Andrei Pierre, Andrew Smith, Anuradha, ap, Armands Lininš, Arnand,…
Read MoreHow to triple your money in the S&P this year
How to triple your money in the S&P this year CNBC’s Bob Pisani talks leveraged and inverse ETFs with Sylvia Jablonski of Direxion Investments. » Subscribe to CNBC: About CNBC: From ‘Wall Street’ to ‘Main Street’ to award winning original documentaries and Reality TV series, CNBC has you covered. Experience special sneak peeks of…
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