Trump Organization Under Criminal Investigation by New York Attorney General

Seth Meyers’ monologue from Wednesday, May 19.

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Trump Organization Under Criminal Investigation by New York Attorney General – Late Night with Seth Meyers

Late Night with Seth Meyers


  1. derdin8 on May 28, 2021 at 7:18 pm

    Careful there, Seth…I’m afraid of dogs.

  2. Papa Bear on May 28, 2021 at 7:20 pm

    And the dominoes are going to start falling soon and so ends the republican party…

  3. Marguerite Hudsell on May 28, 2021 at 7:21 pm

    The Coast Guard saved my life as a young woman in a bikini once. Dad’s boat broke down in the Bay. We were stranded hours. Help finally arrived. 🙂

  4. snoski on May 28, 2021 at 7:26 pm

    OK…on the vacuum story….I totally understood that story as the kid was using the vacuum as a masturbation aid. Then I got a chuckle out of "change the bag" assuming Seth was talking about it being filled with ejaculate, which….gross….but I still laughed at the punchline. Then he said he was waiting for someone on the west coast to eventually get it. That made me think, wait a second….I was pretty sure the meaning of that punchline was obvious….why would he think it would take time for people to get it? …Am *I* missing the joke or is my mind just so much in the gutter that I understand it way faster than he thinks the average person would? LOL

  5. EDUARDO CUELLAR on May 28, 2021 at 7:27 pm

    Moderna and Astrazeneca

  6. Toni Roberts on May 28, 2021 at 7:29 pm

    Trump organization under criminal investigation??
    That’s weird

  7. Jiminy Cricket on May 28, 2021 at 7:30 pm

    The storm is coming libtards (; the 45 is coming for you 😎

  8. Kuras FX on May 28, 2021 at 7:30 pm

    Who is the target audience for this?

  9. Sharon Daugherty on May 28, 2021 at 7:31 pm

    Dweeb alert. Panhandlers begging for pennies again.

  10. Gravestone999 on May 28, 2021 at 7:32 pm

    Biden may not be the best President, but at least he’s down-to-earth and believes in America.

  11. James Gerber on May 28, 2021 at 7:32 pm

    Seth… Try again tomorrow buddy.

  12. Gage MacLeod on May 28, 2021 at 7:33 pm


  13. Shalon Rivers on May 28, 2021 at 7:33 pm

    Ok Seth, I loved everything about this monologue! Very funny and made me think a little bit…i live on the west coast LOL

  14. AsmrtOtakuV3 on May 28, 2021 at 7:34 pm

    3:04, Yes, it did in fact take me a second.

  15. aldamakazumi on May 28, 2021 at 7:34 pm

    I couldn’t get the "Change the bag" pun… probably ’cause I live beyond the West Coast?

  16. Rochelle Creef on May 28, 2021 at 7:35 pm

    Got it. I’m laughing 😅 in Calabasas California. 1st thing, clean out the bag! I’d say the kids inventive, but maybe saw his dad. Was I just thinking outloud again?

  17. Cherie Smith on May 28, 2021 at 7:36 pm

    You not waiting for a reply did bug me 😂 glad you hung a lantern on it xxxx

  18. kvdgadj on May 28, 2021 at 7:36 pm

    Does mccarthy think America Voters are that stupid’s. We all saw what happen on Jan, 6. and that republicans in congress are trying downplay the riots.

  19. JC Pulp on May 28, 2021 at 7:36 pm

    Not his strongest effort, but I’m still a fan.

  20. david ohler on May 28, 2021 at 7:43 pm

    Maybe Letitia James can sponsor some more wet and wild videos that show her disdain,I mean devotion to big T. Inspector Clouseau,v is for vendetta

  21. Terry Sutherland on May 28, 2021 at 7:43 pm

    Yes, change the bag… and the hose… and the motor… and probably the handle.
    So gross.

  22. Solomon Ogunbitan on May 28, 2021 at 7:44 pm

    Our TRUMP has nothing to worry about, where are Hilary Clinton’s 36 thousand Emails that are still missing, hammer was used to destroy her cell phone, let’s do forensic audit on Hilary Clinton’s foundations and see how she spent donated money on herself rather than for poor people in Haiti. What about OBAMA/ BIDEN’S corruptions with SOLINDRA ENERGY CORP. Where $636m want into their liberal friends pockets, they couldn’t sell solar panels, ask VAN JONES Green job Czar for him who now works for CNN. OBAMA/ BIDEN’S used IRS ( Internal Revenue Service ) to punish political opponents in the Republican party and Christian organizations by delaying their applications for Tax issues, that was carried out by Commissioner Louis Lana at that time. Liberals and Journalists operate like MAFIA groups Called The LIBERANOS.

  23. Michele Kett on May 28, 2021 at 7:45 pm

    I’ll guarantee that Joe was not from Pangea. Lemuria? Maybe.

  24. Topher The11th on May 28, 2021 at 7:45 pm

    2:44 – The thing with the vacuum-cleaner is dangerous and can end up in a helicopter to the neurosurgery center with a sausage in a carton of ice, NOT preserving its freshness so that you can slice it onto pizza. Haven’t there been cases reported where it was torn off? Also, "change the bag". Huh, Seth? THAT’S not possible. You only have one, and it’s permanently attached. While you can’t CHANGE the bag you can have it removed, as Kaitlin Jenner did.

  25. VodShod on May 28, 2021 at 7:45 pm

    Thanks for giving me time to get that last joke. It took me a while since my vacuum does not have bags. By the way I live in oregon.

  26. CometTamer on May 28, 2021 at 7:47 pm

    That 12 year old should run for Congress someday.

  27. Amber Sohail on May 28, 2021 at 7:50 pm

    I’m from Dubai and I got it in an instant! Ref: last comment 🙂

  28. Joe Weis on May 28, 2021 at 7:51 pm


  29. Rochelle Auge on May 28, 2021 at 7:52 pm

    About time! Sheesh, little slowmo.

  30. Jesusisking on May 28, 2021 at 7:53 pm

    Repent Repent the day of the Lord is at hand! If you have not received salvation from Jesus Christ you will spend all eternity (trillions and trillions) of years in hell…There will be everlasting torment for you and everyone you know who doesn’t know the Lord. There will be whaling and gnashing teeth. Where the fire is never quenched and the worm never dies. Repent today cry out for mercy! A man must be born again to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

  31. Crystal Ewers on May 28, 2021 at 7:55 pm

    It did take me a second.

  32. SLAYERSWINE on May 28, 2021 at 7:55 pm

    Better to catch the son with the vacuum instead of the daughter although if the SCOTUS shoots down Roe vs. Wade decision you can expect vacuum sales to young women to go up in RepubliCON led red states.

  33. Dan Arcos on May 28, 2021 at 7:55 pm

    Finally a good chuckle at “Change the bag!”

  34. Jack Kagan on May 28, 2021 at 7:57 pm

    This is a repeat.

  35. carol clark on May 28, 2021 at 8:01 pm

    I really want to see a person like trump take a dive so bullies aren’t constantly glorified in American society

  36. Lily Jade on May 28, 2021 at 8:02 pm


  37. Jed Jarret on May 28, 2021 at 8:02 pm

    Biden is so boring the media misses Trump, Prediction another fake investigation HOAX, such a waste of times

  38. Mark Crume on May 28, 2021 at 8:03 pm

    "Change the bag!".

  39. Elmer Fudd on May 28, 2021 at 8:03 pm

    If I go, will they give me a vax dance?

  40. cannibalbananas on May 28, 2021 at 8:04 pm

    ugh! but I was so ready to tell you about my day or maybe say "fine", but now you’ll never know.

    Love the vacuum joke 😂😂

  41. Alexa Trinidad on May 28, 2021 at 8:05 pm

    The handsome field fifthly bubble because degree morally radiate between a perfect fedelini. lively, tan rabbi

  42. Tracy LF on May 28, 2021 at 8:06 pm

    McConnell called itr an insurrection, on the Senate floor. On camera.

  43. Damien Pol on May 28, 2021 at 8:09 pm

    The Democrat mafia has been going after Trump for five years now. All because he showed the American people how corrupt they are.

  44. Chris Albert on May 28, 2021 at 8:10 pm

    What the hell is a "compromising position with a vaccum cleaner?"
    My mind may lack the deviancy required to imagine what that’s supposed to mean

  45. J Locker on May 28, 2021 at 8:10 pm

    Nice try, Soros, HILLARY, and Pelosi! Your diversions are getting dull! Hillary tactic> Predictible! Not happenin! Hillary is taking them all down with her…AT ALL COSTS! Dems won’t make to 2022.

  46. Westy Poprocks on May 28, 2021 at 8:10 pm

    Lol the matt gaetz joke

  47. Samantha Phillips on May 28, 2021 at 8:11 pm

    @ 0:03 *gasp *clutches pearls! How dare you!

  48. Mad Minorcam on May 28, 2021 at 8:12 pm

    Fifty years from now when the socialist finally manage to put the entire planet under a "new world order" and things go completely out of control, the liberals will find a way to blame President Trump.

  49. Cherry Red on May 28, 2021 at 8:13 pm

    Pangaea?? Really??? Come on, Biden’s old but he’s not that old. What about the guy who’s been I’m Congress since 1959?? Chuck Grassley??? Is that who that is??

  50. John Lorz on May 28, 2021 at 8:16 pm

    What should you do if you find your teenaged son with a vacuum doing nasty things?