How Do You Know When It's Time To Harvest Your Cannabis? [Part 1/2]
How Do You Know When It's Time To Harvest Your Cannabis? [Part 1/2] – Join WayofLeaf’s Cannabis Cultivators Facebook group and ask questions, share info, and discuss all things growing with a knowledgeable community of beginners and experts alike!
A lot of cannabis growers spend months of their time, energy, and hard-earned money to cultivate and maintain strong and healthy plants, but when it comes time to harvest, many get overly excited and chop the plants down far too early. In order to achieve the maximum potency potential of the strain you’re growing, you need to use visual indicators in your trichomes to know exactly when to harvest your cannabis plants. The process is actually super easy, and in this short video, we explain exactly how to do it and what to look for!
Im doing a hydroponics setup, just wondering when would i start flushing the plants?
the Max Yield or a schedule are not my biggest consern. I heard that if i wait "to long" chances of getting a harvest/ Product which will lock me on my couch for hours is quiet big. But when i prefer a high that still allows me do be activ, awake and maybe a bit funny, i should chose an ealier harvest-point… when the majority of my trichomes is milky…. !???
Could you add a link to a video where you’re changing the light at the end of the grow
Wrong if you want couch luck, it’s your problem.That much amber is just ruined the plant.
Question: can you harvest the big buds at the top of the plant first and let the smaller lower buds mature a bit more OR will the THC level be the same throughout the plant, and should we just accept the smaller buds wont get bigger?
Light and temp are being changed toooooooo?
Them plants you trimmed looked way to green yet
Why adjust the lighting at the end like that? What does that do? I have heard some growers tmgo dark for 48 hrs before harvest, and i have heard 48 hrs of light, too. I’d prefer the dark way, but is this similar to what you mentioned and why?
Lighting change? What do I tell the sun?
This is my first time ever growing and my tri’s are now Amber in color. Is it time to harvest?
This is great thanks
These buds look like shit
73% is really specific
Recommends changing light schedule; leaves out the adequate specs.
Adjust light and temp to WHAT? The video never said>
More light or less light
You can also use an eyepiece from a pair of binoculars
I know I’m not the only one who disagrees with this. I swear I’ve read in more than o e place that when the trichomes are clear that’s gonna be your peak thc best quality high.
thank you!! on other posts I kept on hearing that you have watch for the color , never mentioning you need a magnifier to see the trichomes😎
Adjust the light and temperature to what ? Up down ?
Micro scope to check trikes and to see if their ripe
God Bless✝️🌱
4:35 so adjust them randomly, or is there a specific?
You mentioned changing your lighting schedule and temperature. What do you recommend specifically?
VERY informative by the way, thank you
Bullshit. Those 30x loupes can’t see any trichomes
Lots of bs in this video
Until someone comes out with verified research that adjusting light schedule/dark period before harvest actually does something, then it’s a myth. 2-3 days will not impact potency or yield in any measureable manner. It’s the months that lead up to that point that matter.
Let me guess, I should also flush/drown my plant while I give it complete darkness. Lmao.
Months long,took mine a whole year. Summer was a killer along with my house having work being done but they managed to survive through it all
What so if.this is correct only 2 weeks of flower haha come on
Adjust lights and temps to WHAT???
U Americi svi skoro rade indoor,ja gledam trichome i kako da znam recimo kada je omjer 60/40 naprimjer…
Is that the same guidelines for outdoor plants
Since they mentioned changing the light schedule and twmp without any actual advice, this is what I found: you want 2 full days of darkness immediately before harvest. No water during that time and temp should be cooler, about 60-65 F.
Also, do trichomes continue to turn amber AFTER cutting it down or while it cures? Or does it come to a halt once you cut the stem?
What’s the best light intensity at the end should it be 75% or 100% or lower like 40 to 50% just curious thanks brothers
Turn a pair of binoculars in reverse. Or pull off the little end of the thing. Works well
if i cut say the top half where all my colas are , does this stunt the plant and set me back a few days with the rest like when cutting fan leaves? or is it different at this stage ? any help appreciated 😊
How do we know when it’s too late? Just for reference. Don’t the buds start to loosen up and fall off at some point?
Month??? Lol
Incredible video
They spent more time finding generic footage of cannabis “scientists” in lab coats and people dancing an energetic high than specifying temperature or light intensity. 🤦
If growing outside naturally and fully mature, do I need to put in a darker area before harvesting?
Amazingly insightful! I’m all about energy and not into the sedative aspect. So I should wait until I see only a small portion milky? If that’ll give me energy instead of couch lock, it’s totally worth it
ajustar a temperatura e luz como?