Why would you use 3034 as water and it’s hardly buried. Looks like 3-4’
@bingbangboom9614on January 11, 2025 at 2:36 am
Who thought that would work?
@jeffyeager1997on January 11, 2025 at 2:37 am
Dopes LOL
@chasingliberty1776on January 11, 2025 at 2:39 am
Guess the supervisor won’t be calling in sick again.
@kangzchan5253on January 11, 2025 at 2:39 am
No support structure or exits and ladders with a hot line 😂😂😂 playing with god
@Rob-rp3cwon January 11, 2025 at 2:42 am
At 21, with zero civil works experience- i was hired to supervise a team of men who were all very experienced. This clip shows why.
@07slowbalton January 11, 2025 at 2:44 am
The problem is not enough butt crack to fill the hole.
@AZREDFERNon January 11, 2025 at 2:46 am
Totally normal in home piping with a few PSI and only so much GPM. IDK how anyone ever thought this was a good idea. I’m not sure you can even freeze a pipe like that. There has to be a valve upstream, even if it’s a few miles away
@nunchuckcanuck2827on January 11, 2025 at 2:47 am
Cut the far side first get one side of the fitting on then cut the side the water is coming from and have a guy waiting and ready to slip the other side on
@1986BuickGrandNationalon January 11, 2025 at 2:47 am
So that’s why California doesn’t have any water pressure
@JohnD-JohnDon January 11, 2025 at 2:49 am
I bet the guy who recorded this was the same one who told them to cut it that wan and laughing his rear off while on the phone with someone else down the line to be ready to turn it off.
@sunnydays4966on January 11, 2025 at 2:50 am
Had watch tree times see collards fell off.
@kiethlowry2862on January 11, 2025 at 2:50 am
Lowest bidder won the contract
@activatedrumble3625on January 11, 2025 at 2:51 am
so annoyed with obvious errors in videos to gain interaction..
@YZER19on January 11, 2025 at 2:52 am
you can twll they never seen trades school from inside. like ever ever.
@Ken-fw7ueon January 11, 2025 at 2:52 am
Isn’t green pipe low pressure?
@bilgebeast1on January 11, 2025 at 2:54 am
I have seen this done live, but the machinery was a bit more sound than a chain hanging from an excavator
@themonopolyguy4365on January 11, 2025 at 2:56 am
That’s tough to put in a valve on a live line.
@jamesbarisitz4794on January 11, 2025 at 3:03 am
Look at the time! I’m out!
@beepbop6697on January 11, 2025 at 3:04 am
Did they expect something different to happen?!? lol
@lowellarnett3172on January 11, 2025 at 3:04 am
How hard is "If you cut into a pipe and water sprays out, stop cutting!"?
@treykearns4867on January 11, 2025 at 3:04 am
Commercial plumber here, ive NEVER seen that green pipe used for anything but storm drain, which means its not pressure rated. For water it should be schedule 40 up to schedule 80 or copper. Maybe in different regions they have green pressure rated pipe, but ive never come across it.
@mhc706on January 11, 2025 at 3:05 am
youd think “water lines can be shut off” would be like water line worker rule number one.
but here we are
@David-nd4tnon January 11, 2025 at 3:07 am
As a novice necromancer mage who watches plumber videos I can expertly say that they need to use a flexible cupling at the plenum joint and lower the psi at the venturi section of the telerefractor using a 4 micron megaphasic coupler as well as shut off the water………….I have been consuming alcohol……
@JosephHARMEYER-m3con January 11, 2025 at 3:07 am
I’m willing to bet the valve was closed as well
@chillmonkey6782on January 11, 2025 at 3:08 am
Who coulda seen it coming
@justinjohnson6481on January 11, 2025 at 3:09 am
Idk as a plumber that may very well have been a communication error, and was supposed to be a dead line, I’d hope of trying to do it live they’d have had some kinda tee to open to get the pipe made up then slam closed.
@KjllShoton January 11, 2025 at 3:10 am
I’m a plumber,… and I don’t want to live on this planet anymore…
@mfsebcwon January 11, 2025 at 3:10 am
and here i was thinking i didn’t have a talent for this kind of work.
@Dark78Sabreon January 11, 2025 at 3:10 am
Who the AF hired these guys? I might not be a plumber but I did serve in the US Navy and whenever you have to change out a valve on a system that is pressurized there are ways of doing it. However these guys absolutely had zero idea of what they were doing beyond "hope and pray" and neither of those things pay the bills. Both of these dunder-muffins deserve to be fired and made to take remedial re-education into tools and their uses before EVER touching a sawzall ever again … and whoever employed these two geniuses needs to have his buisness / contracting license revoked because he obviously is incapable of hiring competent people let alone actually getting any real work done. Oh, and the City and County needs to sue everyone involved in this Iraqi-Engineered operation.
@dohabanditon January 11, 2025 at 3:12 am
Never has so much stupid been collected into such a confined space before…
@matthewdoughten4956on January 11, 2025 at 3:13 am
Turned that hole into a nice fishing hole
@IsraelRazo-s4con January 11, 2025 at 3:13 am
Water pipe is blue!!! Green is sewer,, so I don’t get the pressure😅😅😅
@Huffmommyon January 11, 2025 at 3:13 am
I design water mains like this and sometimes this is done, but in a more controlled way. The pressure cannot always be “let off” sometimes the pressure is from massive water tanks that can’t feasibly be drained. Also if you decrease the pressure too much, bad stuff can leak into the pipe via any cracks or other leak sources in the line. Pressure isn’t just for comfort, it protects your health as well.
They could’ve reduced the pressure some more, and not tried to install that entire assembly at once. They could’ve used split joint restraints and then installed just the valve on the side coming from the source of the pressure. They would’ve left the valve open slid it on to the existing pipe and bolted it up to the restraints mentioned earlier. Then they can close the valve and work on getting the lines tied back together with just a single sleeve instead of the two that have in this video
@streetpunk99on January 11, 2025 at 3:14 am
Im guessing this is the buddy that can do it cheaper you always hear about
@jampaccon January 11, 2025 at 3:19 am
First cry laugh of the year. Thank you LMAO. That snigger. Sent me.
@lunchboxproductions1183on January 11, 2025 at 3:20 am
You know these dudes thought that the water was just going to shoot over into the other pipe, lol 😂
@tonycardone990on January 11, 2025 at 3:21 am
This is when one of those ACME instant holes from Loony Toons comes in handy to put in front of the cut pipe, stopping the water from filling the hole you’re standing in.
@MNNskion January 11, 2025 at 3:21 am
I have put valves on running lines before, but that looks like an 8 inch line and none of those guys look like Hercules. Largest I’ve done was a 4 inch pipe at 60 psi and it wasn’t easy.
@lindseyormsbeeon January 11, 2025 at 3:21 am
Always isolate and confirm zero energy!
@rangercisco1on January 11, 2025 at 3:23 am
I keep hearing Toots and the Maytals singing, " pressure drop" 🤔
@JasonCougar-k5ron January 11, 2025 at 3:25 am
Well on yourube a guy did this with his sprinkler pipe and the amigos concluded ahould work.
@kangzchan5253on January 11, 2025 at 3:28 am
And they just sit there with a hot line a deadly psi so they can get trapped and drown from the pressure 😂
@olanlevan8470on January 11, 2025 at 3:28 am
They did what they were told just following orders from the boss.
@romankalytovskyi1758on January 11, 2025 at 3:29 am
I’ve never done this job before, not a plumber or pipe fitter, just regular grass pipe smoker, but I can predict with 100% accuracy that this task will go wrong after they finish cutting🌊🌊🌊
@floppr8715on January 11, 2025 at 3:31 am
This is insane to me… my entire job for a while was to mainly install insertion valves onto water and sewer mains like this. The whole point of an insertion valves is that you can install it while the line is still live, and then you can stop flow in the line without shutting the entire area out of water. Call Blue Water CSI haha they’re good guys, even though I’ve not been there for a while that was one of the best jobs I’ve had!
@Rob-rp3cwon January 11, 2025 at 3:33 am
We struck a live copper gasline- the fix?
Smashing two hammers together to seal off pipe 🥸 i was happy to set the perimeter….
@FloridaOhiomanon January 11, 2025 at 3:33 am
That wouldn’t of happened if the were using Milwaukee
@briannewman5614on January 11, 2025 at 3:34 am
Guessing that the neighborhood couldn’t be bothered to have the water turned off for a few hours??😮😅
Why would you use 3034 as water and it’s hardly buried. Looks like 3-4’
Who thought that would work?
Dopes LOL
Guess the supervisor won’t be calling in sick again.
No support structure or exits and ladders with a hot line 😂😂😂 playing with god
At 21, with zero civil works experience- i was hired to supervise a team of men who were all very experienced. This clip shows why.
The problem is not enough butt crack to fill the hole.
Totally normal in home piping with a few PSI and only so much GPM. IDK how anyone ever thought this was a good idea. I’m not sure you can even freeze a pipe like that. There has to be a valve upstream, even if it’s a few miles away
Cut the far side first get one side of the fitting on then cut the side the water is coming from and have a guy waiting and ready to slip the other side on
So that’s why California doesn’t have any water pressure
I bet the guy who recorded this was the same one who told them to cut it that wan and laughing his rear off while on the phone with someone else down the line to be ready to turn it off.
Had watch tree times see collards fell off.
Lowest bidder won the contract
so annoyed with obvious errors in videos to gain interaction..
you can twll they never seen trades school from inside. like ever ever.
Isn’t green pipe low pressure?
I have seen this done live, but the machinery was a bit more sound than a chain hanging from an excavator
That’s tough to put in a valve on a live line.
Look at the time! I’m out!
Did they expect something different to happen?!? lol
How hard is "If you cut into a pipe and water sprays out, stop cutting!"?
Commercial plumber here, ive NEVER seen that green pipe used for anything but storm drain, which means its not pressure rated. For water it should be schedule 40 up to schedule 80 or copper. Maybe in different regions they have green pressure rated pipe, but ive never come across it.
youd think “water lines can be shut off” would be like water line worker rule number one.
but here we are
As a novice necromancer mage who watches plumber videos I can expertly say that they need to use a flexible cupling at the plenum joint and lower the psi at the venturi section of the telerefractor using a 4 micron megaphasic coupler as well as shut off the water………….I have been consuming alcohol……
I’m willing to bet the valve was closed as well
Who coulda seen it coming
Idk as a plumber that may very well have been a communication error, and was supposed to be a dead line, I’d hope of trying to do it live they’d have had some kinda tee to open to get the pipe made up then slam closed.
I’m a plumber,… and I don’t want to live on this planet anymore…
and here i was thinking i didn’t have a talent for this kind of work.
Who the AF hired these guys? I might not be a plumber but I did serve in the US Navy and whenever you have to change out a valve on a system that is pressurized there are ways of doing it. However these guys absolutely had zero idea of what they were doing beyond "hope and pray" and neither of those things pay the bills. Both of these dunder-muffins deserve to be fired and made to take remedial re-education into tools and their uses before EVER touching a sawzall ever again … and whoever employed these two geniuses needs to have his buisness / contracting license revoked because he obviously is incapable of hiring competent people let alone actually getting any real work done. Oh, and the City and County needs to sue everyone involved in this Iraqi-Engineered operation.
Never has so much stupid been collected into such a confined space before…
Turned that hole into a nice fishing hole
Water pipe is blue!!! Green is sewer,, so I don’t get the pressure😅😅😅
I design water mains like this and sometimes this is done, but in a more controlled way. The pressure cannot always be “let off” sometimes the pressure is from massive water tanks that can’t feasibly be drained. Also if you decrease the pressure too much, bad stuff can leak into the pipe via any cracks or other leak sources in the line. Pressure isn’t just for comfort, it protects your health as well.
They could’ve reduced the pressure some more, and not tried to install that entire assembly at once. They could’ve used split joint restraints and then installed just the valve on the side coming from the source of the pressure. They would’ve left the valve open slid it on to the existing pipe and bolted it up to the restraints mentioned earlier. Then they can close the valve and work on getting the lines tied back together with just a single sleeve instead of the two that have in this video
Im guessing this is the buddy that can do it cheaper you always hear about
First cry laugh of the year. Thank you LMAO. That snigger. Sent me.
You know these dudes thought that the water was just going to shoot over into the other pipe, lol 😂
This is when one of those ACME instant holes from Loony Toons comes in handy to put in front of the cut pipe, stopping the water from filling the hole you’re standing in.
I have put valves on running lines before, but that looks like an 8 inch line and none of those guys look like Hercules. Largest I’ve done was a 4 inch pipe at 60 psi and it wasn’t easy.
Always isolate and confirm zero energy!
I keep hearing Toots and the Maytals singing, " pressure drop" 🤔
Well on yourube a guy did this with his sprinkler pipe and the amigos concluded ahould work.
And they just sit there with a hot line a deadly psi so they can get trapped and drown from the pressure 😂
They did what they were told just following orders from the boss.
I’ve never done this job before, not a plumber or pipe fitter, just regular grass pipe smoker, but I can predict with 100% accuracy that this task will go wrong after they finish cutting🌊🌊🌊
This is insane to me… my entire job for a while was to mainly install insertion valves onto water and sewer mains like this. The whole point of an insertion valves is that you can install it while the line is still live, and then you can stop flow in the line without shutting the entire area out of water. Call Blue Water CSI haha they’re good guys, even though I’ve not been there for a while that was one of the best jobs I’ve had!
We struck a live copper gasline- the fix?
Smashing two hammers together to seal off pipe 🥸 i was happy to set the perimeter….
That wouldn’t of happened if the were using Milwaukee
Guessing that the neighborhood couldn’t be bothered to have the water turned off for a few hours??😮😅
Good way to spend money on a new sawzall🤠