Residents voicing concerns on residential cannabis grow-ops
Residents voicing concerns on residential cannabis grow-ops
Winnipeg residents say there has been a rapid growth of residential cannabis in city neighbourhoods. They are calling on the city to bring in a bylaw to regulate it. Alex Karpa reports.
So only businesses can grow cannabis, and it must be government approved now, and it must be out of town.
Legalizing it, just made it so the legal smokers of it, are now illegal again, while simultaneously the government does nothing but profit off of it.
Fuck no, over 90 years you were told it was wrong took away people’s family’s, lives and homes, go to the Supreme Court like we did, cannabis is medical you fools.
Thanks our slimy prime minister Trudeau for this mess. Next election lets rid our selves of this filth.
Look at this balding,fucking geek.What a god damn NERD!!!
Put a bounce sheet in your masks and mind your own business!