Investigating Albania's drug farm influencers | EXCLUSIVE
Investigating Albania's drug farm influencers | EXCLUSIVE
EXCLUSIVE: How TikTok and Instagram are used to encourage young Albanians to illegally enter the UK to work in drug farms.
The Express’s Zak Garner-Purkis travelled to Albania and even spoke with one of the country’s biggest influencers, Kozak Braci.
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#DailyExpress #News #Albania
The only problem with Albanians is that they are so open about it 😂
dhe keta do te jene investitoret strategjik ne vitet e ardhshme. zot i madh c’na ka bere kjo "fake" rilindja e leshit.
So the Albanians are here to destroy lives through the blight of drugs, poisoning the British youth, why is this being allowed? They Albanians wouldn’t allow British people to go Albania and poison their next generation it wouldn’t happen. British government is a joke.
Albanian are good people loyal for life maybe they sell little bit here little bit there but this doesn’t make them bad people everyone have their way the way they make money
Daily Express is just a TALLAVA MEDIA using TALLAVA SCUMBAGS!
Stephanie Unions
Why dont they farm.cannabis in Albania ?
37795 Stehr Crescent
Platfarms only take down content against funny people or the fake jews
Right wing xenophobic nonsense
e vertete, dhe me vjen keq qe disa njerez i dalin ne mbrojtje kesaj dhe ketij lloj patriotizmi patetik, krimi dhe droga nuk eshte menyra, kjo cfare raportojne ne video, eshte e vertete, eja dhe shih realitetin ne shqiperi, kriminaliteti dhe droga eshte bere e pa imagjinueshme. e verteta duhet pare ne sy. dhe shteti yne ketu, as qe merret me kete lloj problematike kaq te madhe dhe agresive, por duket sikur i jep nje shtyse dhe i lejon njerezit qe kete forme ta shohin si menyre te mire per te krijuar nje te ardhme. kjo nuk sjell asnje te ardhme, por vetem drame dhe kolaps. koha do e tregoje.
All that dawg😒
That’s just propaganda to stain the name of Albanians. British aren’t angels either. That stuff exists mainly there because there’s a high demand. The drug industry and mafia is in many countries and involves many different people from different ethnicities, not just Albos. They just got famous because they like to show off in social media. The government in UK need to work on this direction to solve it. The crime rate in Albania 🇦🇱 is lower than in many Western capitals.
Although there are problems in Albania such as corruption, unemployment, healthcare, security and education we are solving them as we’re trying to tackle the illegal things and crimes using a special anti-corruption body, known as Spak. Why don’t you do any documentary about successful and high professional Albanians worldwide but when it comes to Albania most of western media likes to connect it with the words mafia and crime?? Only a small percentage of the Albanians is involved in that, but the rest are hard working people who follow the law. There are over 8.5 million 🇦🇱 in the world, there are plenty of them who work honestly, living a normal life and some have businesses which are successful. Shaming a whole nation for a few individuals is just not right! These individuals don’t represent all Albanians.
O Kozak o te shkerdheft Kina gjinin femrore te fisit ,o spiun robqir
O pidh robsha pse beni gjera te tilla dhe na bani mu ndje keq kur ju themi njerzve se jam shqipetar
Kozaku eshte ma femij qimi ne planet 🌍
UK cops can do very little
Propoganda. The police are meant to follow up on the evidence. They know about it. Na just jail people for posting memes instead.
albainian brothers are hard working self made honest business men… but if you cross them your 🕊️ 🇦🇱🇵🇰🚀
I feel that this video although it puts a spotlight on the criminality of a few organized groups that are of Albanian decent and its an interesting view on this world that not all us Albanian nationals live into and i want to stress that these people showed on the documentary are a Minority of people that immigrate to the united kingdom and other European states and countries.i my self am a Albanian born youth that my family immigrated to Greece and dealt with a lot of racism from locals and had a hard time integrating into the community here because of media portrayals like this one that shows us as criminals and dangerous people where’s most people that immigrate outside of Albania are hard working people most of the time doing blue collar Jobs and try to provide for us the youth to have white collar jobs unlike they could because they couldn’t afford higher education to become engineers and doctors. Im very disappointed in the light that a lot of British Media portray us. anecdotally i visited the uk last year at December for a week staying at my aunt’s and Uncle in a small village close to Birmingham and i would be concerned by hearing my young cousins say that they feel ashamed to announce their nationality because of what other students might think of them and might be bullied in their social circles as young criminals on the make or children of criminals where is my uncle is a heavy machinery operator and my aunt is in a janitorial position in a nearby hospital.
This rhetoric needs to be more careful in the way its being portrayed at the media and the general british public, because it will not hurt organized crime but the general immigrant community that comes under heinous hate crimes for the acts of the few ignorant youth like any most in the world.
The government is failing when it comes to crime and its some how social media fault
Thats not their fault if there isnt a market they wouldnt be doing it and if wasnt Albanians would be something else so targeting an ethnicity for likes and views its not cool
Po ky kari pse bo rrolin e spiunit
U been robbed lot trust 😂😂
its not a problem for the platforms. Free speech isnt the problem.
Albania has a bad reputation for their criminal lifestyle, many countries are aware of that. Believe it or not but culture and religion plays a role in all that. Its not just a few people, no doubt about it.
Ask Kozeta about Lim Hoti and Denisa😂😂😂
Pressed block of talc lol
Britain and Albania has very bad relationship right now. Every time I meet a person from Britain or France the mood changes once they ask where I am from. The question of migrants and drugs comes up. I am angry at the British people and French and every hypocrites out there buying every kind of drug and then complaining of the problems drug dealers cause and the toll the drug trade takes on their countries. I am against legalized drugs actually Britain and France should start to punish people who actually buy drugs and fuel these troubles for all of us. I know that people went to Britain because countries like Germany Austria ect punished the drug dealers so harshly, that these ones learned once they went in jail they probably they would never come out alive. that’s why they decided to go to britain. The fact the kozak spoke to you and meta and tik tok did not have anyone available to talk to you makes my point.
And it will get a lot worse with Kier Starlin as Britain’s PM
We albanians respect only USA not UK
Dont forget what the english did
4 Sept 1839 – 24 Oct 1860 with the opium wars in china so what they learnt its from you
Most Northern Californians where I live don’t know what shqiptars are!
Social media companies need to pick up the bill for this as opposed to tax payer funded policing – crazy that Tik tok is effectively making money off of illegal drugs
Wish I would meet a weed crew in Adelaide s.a
Bro i grow up with Albanians we eat to gather an they are nice lovely people down to earth best people in the world. This guy tolking rubbish not all Albanian are about that his tolking rubbish 😊
Its becaue tik tol is quite unfiltered and they donwant us hearing the relevant political truths posted on social media, but use criminal bits as the alibi to take it down.
Albanian goverment in deep columbian strong drugs dealings pretending to fight "drug trade" by stopping tik tok that promotes cannabis trade. Big fish eats little fish
lol 💩 my poo is worth more than this whole video
Schimmel Village
Well, maybe the UK pot farms should hire Brits to work them. Striking, nevertheless, how dispersed wealth is among young Albanians in Tirana these days. Probably because of the farms and having worked them or being family with one who has. Tirana is a good city. Great food, beautiful women.
Ahhh ju ardh fundi ma I keq se atyre fmive cillt vdesin 14 vjeqar me mallin e juve . Robt jav qifsha ghith boten ku ini keni me cof si qent kan me ju vra shokt e familjart eju
For every success, there are a lot of fails/prison. I can’t blame them being seduced by money.
Kozak mafia albania 💪💪💪
When he talked about flowers he meant on TikTok like roses you retards understand correctly
YouTube traveller call outs videos and traveller videos shotgun also Tommy Joyce devil tribe can put u in death camps were uk going also YouTube 60 mins Australia Australian nazis
Hajde nAllias po kishe byth😂
Deport them.
It’s called China’s revenge against England’s Opium Wars from a few hundred years back.