Legal weed shops near Nassau border ignites controversy
Legal weed shops near Nassau border ignites controversy
A legal cannabis dispensary in Queens is stirring controversy with officials in neighboring Hempstead and North Hempstead, where recreational marijuana sales are banned. Now, Long Island lawmakers are fighting back, pushing for a quarter-mile buffer zone around towns that opted out of New York State’s legal weed program. FOX 5’s Jodi Goldberg has the story.
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"Americans Favor Legalizing Cannabis Support surged 10 percentage points in past year"" -Gallup Poll
Prohibition and Reefer Madness are only pushed and believed by a very small, lunatic-fringe minority of irrational looney-tune Holier Than Thou types that are on a never ending little personal moral-crusade and witch-hunt against relatively benign cannabis and it’s consumers. The rest of us sane, rational, normal Americans just laugh our butts off at and mock utterly desperate lying prohibitionists and their ridiculous Reefer-Madness-Rhetoric as the comedy show they truly are!
States "rights" has become just a clever excuse, disguise and blanket authority being used for a very small minority of irrational prohibitionists to be able to criminalize everything that they personally don’t morally approve of. Same with abortion, websites and even books that they don’t morally approve of, and they have the nerve to call it states "rights". The only "right" states rights provide is the right of a very small minority to criminalize anything they don’t morally approve of in their individual home states. It needs to end now! It’s like having 50 different countries with different laws instead of a "United" States. States rights=Criminalization of the citizens by a very small lunatic fringe minority of irrational prohibitionists whom have self righteously appointed themselves as self deputized morality police over everyone else.
What we certainly don’t need are anymore people who feel justified in appointing themselves to be self-deputized morality police. We are very capable of choosing for ourselves if we want to consume cannabis, a far less dangerous choice over alcohol, and we definitely don’t need anyone dictating how we should live our own lives. We can’t just lock up everyone who does things prohibitionists don’t personally approve of.
Whoever approved selling weeds and drugs in America will definitely start America going down the drain! So many Americans died because of this drugs including marijuana.
The "War on Cannabis" has been a complete and utter failure. It is the largest component of the broader yet equally unsuccessful "War on Drugs" that has cost our country over two trillion dollars.Instead of The United States wasting Billions upon Billions more of our yearly tax dollars fighting a never ending "War on Cannabis", lets generate Billions of dollars, and improve the deficit instead. It’s a no brainer. The Prohibition of Cannabis has also ruined the lives of many of our loved ones. In numbers greater than any other nation, our loved ones are being sent to jail and are being given permanent criminal records. Especially, if they happen to be of the "wrong" skin color or they happen to be from the "wrong" neighborhood. Which ruin their chances of employment for the rest of their lives, and for what reason? Cannabis is much safer to consume than alcohol. Yet do we lock people up for choosing to drink? Let’s end this hypocrisy now! The government should never attempt to legislate morality by creating victim-less cannabis "crimes" because it simply does not work and costs the taxpayers a fortune. Cannabis Legalization Nationwide is an inevitable reality that’s approaching much sooner than prohibitionists think and there is nothing they can do to stop it! Legalize Nationwide Federally Now! Support Each and Every Cannabis Legalization Initiative!
Imagine your vegan neighbor loosing their mind because they think you’re grilling steak too close to their property….
The DEVIL is a legalist and will twist up the laws and lie to the people of America. Mamajuana should NEVER have been legalized ANYWHRE.
Comprehensive studies on marijuana have shown that it can harm the brain, heart, and lungs, and contribute to addiction.
Brain effects
Regular use during pregnancy can lead to low birth weight
Cannabis can impair learning, memory, and psychomotor skills
Heavy use in adolescence can affect working memory, processing speed, and academic performance
Long-term use can lead to dependence on other substances, like alcohol and tobacco
Heart effects
Regular use can increase the risk of heart failure and heart attacks
Cannabis can increase heart rate in healthy people, and can have more serious consequences for people with cardiovascular issues
Lung effects
Smoking marijuana can damage the lungs as much as smoking cigarettes
Other effects
Cannabis use can contribute to mental health conditions, like psychosis
Cannabis use can lead to academic under-achievement
Cannabis use can lead to social problems, like loneliness and lower life satisfaction
Cannabis use can lead to financial problems, like lower credit scores and less money in savings
Research studies
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study (ABCD Study) follows children from ages 9 and 10 into young adulthood to study the effects of substance use
A study published in The Lancet: Healthy Longevity followed participants from birth to age 45
NIDA funds research on the health effects of cannabis products, including impacts on the developing brain and on mental health.
"A solid majority of voters nationwide favor legalizing and regulating cannabis similar to the way alcohol and tobacco cigarettes are currently regulated. Most also dont believe it should be a crime for people to smoke cannabis in the privacy of their own homes" -Rasmussen Poll
The government is doing what they imprisoned people for not too long ago by taking over the businesses of , Drugs, Booze, Gambling.
"The report discovered that Cannabis is 114 times less deadly than alcohol. Researchers were able to determine this by comparing the lethal doses with the amount of typical use. Through this approach, Cannabis had the lowest mortality risk to users out of all the drugs they studied. In fact—because the numbers were crossed with typical daily use—Cannabis is the only drug that tested as "low risk." -Complex
As long as its not in Nassau county we can put anywhere in our Queens bourougb its up to your people to follow your rules shut up!
They prefer fentanyl.
Hempsted never had a chance…with a name like Hempstead
Lol so how about liquor stores lol is what happened to the effects of that 😂
Legalize federally now. What’s legal to possess and consume in over half of the populated areas of The United States should not make you a criminal in states still being governed by woefully ignorant prohibitionist politicians. Cannabis consumers in all states deserve and demand equal rights and protections under our laws that are currently afforded to the drinkers of far more dangerous and deadly, yet perfectly legal, widely accepted, endlessly advertised and even glorified as an All-American pastime, alcohol. Plain and simple! Legalize Nationwide Federally Now!
"Americans favor making cannabis legal for adults, according to the findings of a CNN/ORC International survey released late Monday. The percentage is the highest ever reported by the survey, which has been tracking public opinion on the issue since 1973, and marks a 12 percentage point jump in support since the last time pollsters posed the question in 2012"
-CNN Poll
1:13 "…studies come out that show you the ill effects…." Because the government never allowed honest studies that show the public health benefits, esp. viz-a-viz alcohol and tobacco.
Do they have buffer zones around all the liquor stores too?
Rational, reasonable people would logically prefer to pay tax on a legal product which they can conveniently acquire to use instantly at a store, rather than be criminalized, persecuted and prosecuted over the possession and use of relatively benign cannabis…
Politicians who continue to demonize Cannabis, Corrupt Law Enforcement Officials who prefer to ruin peoples lives over Cannabis possession rather than solve real crimes who fund their departments toys and salaries with monies acquired through cannabis home raids, seizures and forfeitures, and so-called "Addiction Specialists" who make their income off of the judicial misfortunes of our citizens who choose cannabis, – Your actions go against The Will of The People and Your Days In Office Are Numbered! Find new careers before you don’t have one.
Cannabis should be absolutely just as legal and easy to obtain anywhere as alcohol currently is. No exceptions. It’s so easy: As legal and easy to obtain/use as alcohol currently is. Why hold relatively benign, often healing cannabis to any sort of irrational, stricter double standard than perfectly legal alcohol?
That is funny no weed in Hempstead 😅