Stop the freaking useless os updates i think we are more than fine with the one we have even with the ones we had before i mean windows 7 still is decent
We are at that time were we really just FREAKING LEAVE OS ALONE maybe go put your time into something else
i hate windows 11. was forced to upgrade when my computer died and i had to get a new computer. windows 11 is a huge down grade from windows 10. it is missing features and is a mess. they clearly have been downgrading their programmers.
I feel like microsoft is gonna extend windows 10 updates for 2 more years. No, i do not mean pay for the 2 years like they said to, but giving it for free since they see that over 50% of users still use win10, including me
Also, microsoft promised that win10 was gonna be the last OS, and here i am, and not gonna update anytime soon
They’re not gonna discontinue win10, they’re not there’s too many people on there for them to discontinue the thing and are instead scaring people that their gonna shut it down so people buy their computers which in return they get money
I have to use Windows 11 for work. I keep Windows 10 on my PC at home. Microsoft keeps sending me shit about it’s a free upgrade. Pass, I will go with a completely different operating system before caving to 11.
I’m still on XP! Though I am multi booting 3 versions of Linux along side it. And only using XP for my older games and older software I purchased decades ago and refuse to spend the thousands it would cost to get the newest versions.
Windows 7 lost users, there are people still using windows 7 instead of 10 or 11.
F’ Windows and Mac
Steam os is almost there, I wish for 10% user
Stop the freaking useless os updates i think we are more than fine with the one we have even with the ones we had before i mean windows 7 still is decent
We are at that time were we really just FREAKING LEAVE OS ALONE maybe go put your time into something else
I still use 7 on one of my laptops and 10 on my new main laptop.
Good..I hope this trend continues and Microsoft is forced to shut down Windows 11.
Why would you upgrade to a worse version of windows? They just let win10 die so people buy their new shit
"System of choice"? It’s not really a choice when it comes with a gaming pc as a standard OS.
i dont understand the w10 meatriding i grew up on it but ive been using w11 for years now and i like it more so 🤷♂️
i hate windows 11. was forced to upgrade when my computer died and i had to get a new computer. windows 11 is a huge down grade from windows 10. it is missing features and is a mess. they clearly have been downgrading their programmers.
W11 is cool. Clean interface and more games implement direct storage
yeah, same idea as me im going 10 to linux thanks to steam
"There will never be another opersting system" who remembers them saying this about w10. Lets take their words literally.
I’m staying on win 10 specifically because it’s EOL. I hate forced updates, so hopefully after EOL, I won’t have to put up with them anymore
Honestly I’ve been using 11 when it came out and nothing has ever gone wrong
I finally bit the bullet and went to W11, not comfortable enough with going onto Linux yet but maybe one day
windows 10 is so close to 7 sometimes when my 3rd laptop lags windows 7 ui pops up lol
Whoever I talk to, everyone says that Windows 11 is complete shit. Time to switch to Linux.
I feel like microsoft is gonna extend windows 10 updates for 2 more years. No, i do not mean pay for the 2 years like they said to, but giving it for free since they see that over 50% of users still use win10, including me
Also, microsoft promised that win10 was gonna be the last OS, and here i am, and not gonna update anytime soon
They’re not gonna discontinue win10, they’re not there’s too many people on there for them to discontinue the thing and are instead scaring people that their gonna shut it down so people buy their computers which in return they get money
The 1080ti of Microsoft
They are not choosing
They just don’t care about a operating system when you buy a pc
I thought 10 was the last one ever! You know, because microsoft TOLD US IT WAS!!!
I will never update my 3.11
Not this person I chose windows 11 and don’t regret it at all 😂
I now W11 is not the best but i still game with it. I am fine with it.
I hate windows 11. Every setting is buried in menus within menus.
Nature is healing
Im okay with win11 but i just have the vigger taskbar and the new still of file manager so thats why im still on Windows 10
*the rebel alliance shan’t falter this easily*
Until they launch SteamOS that is
Windows 10 only dies if we let it
Yeah, quit harvesting my shit for your crappy AI and maybe I’ll switch
This week after gaming it always open the news tab. Was at first confused but the mouse hover always above of it. Hate it hard! Win 11
Thank you India! 🇮🇳
I usually skip one new windows before I upgrade. I had XP, skipped vista, had 7, skipped 8 & 8.1, have 10. So i’ll skip 11 and wait for 12.
Not to mention my current hardware is from 2018 (except gpu which is a 4070) so I doubt my hardware is even supported by 11.
Now windows 10 will be left by steam
I have upgraded it and my steam games keep crashing. Im gonna do a full format and if its still going back to 10
Got the IoT Enterprise Ltsc edition i still still got 7 years left after they lost support for it in 2032
how do i go back to windows 10 then
The various mods for various games I use work on 10 but not 11
Well, i did buy a laptop that had windows 11 pre installed. Decided to upgrade to windows 10 last month. Best decision I’ve made.
I’m planning on getting a gaming pc, can I still use windows ten without upgrading and have it function? I don’t want to get windows 11
windows 11 is just spyware with an adplatform on top
Forever Win10
i use both windows 10 nd Linux
i was on windows 10 since the beginning and installed windows 11 de bloated so I can receive updates still
I have to use Windows 11 for work. I keep Windows 10 on my PC at home. Microsoft keeps sending me shit about it’s a free upgrade. Pass, I will go with a completely different operating system before caving to 11.
I’m still on XP! Though I am multi booting 3 versions of Linux along side it. And only using XP for my older games and older software I purchased decades ago and refuse to spend the thousands it would cost to get the newest versions.