Medical marijuana cards in Pa. leading to legal trouble
Medical marijuana cards in Pa. leading to legal trouble
KDKA-TV’s Seth Kaplan has more.
Medical marijuana cards in Pa. leading to legal trouble
KDKA-TV’s Seth Kaplan has more.
She dinnit do nuttin? Trial….? Transcript….? Nah, just take her word for it.
Government abuse again.😮
What’s the easiest way to get a PA weed card? I was hoping it was gonna be as easy as just go pay a quick fee online with my debit and then I wouod be able to walk right out the door to the closest dispensary and buy something but I guess that’s gonna be a negative on that so any help at all on the quickest way to get through all the steps that ya gotta take
Bullshit you ain’t going to know if you high driving and everybody everybody drives an smoke your not impaired there so such thing with weed you can take depression medication or pain killers and oh that’s not a dui this state is the worst state by law in the whole universe
Here’s the thing. If you have a medical card they can arrest you for a DUI anytime they catch you driving because it stays in your system so long. Don’t get one. You’ll get in less trouble for having weed than a DUI.
In PA, if you have THC in your system and you took it several weeks ago, instead of 2 hours ago, can you get a DUI ? same question if you have a medical marijuana card ?
And Shapiro is crazy for wanting to implement a 20 percent sales tax on recreational marijuana does he not realize that the high taxes states are implementing on recreational marijuana is helping the black market continue to thrive Maryland is the only state that will get it right with only a 6 percent sales tax the problem is these states are trying to rob people for a plant how about a 50 percent sales tax on alcohol and see how much alcohol you sale it will go back to the bootleg days these states are getting greedy when it comes to recreational marijuana
reefer madness nonsense. just legalize it and quit jailing people over dried flowers.
Lol "dramatization"
Or don’t get a med card so you’re not placed in a stigmatized and discriminated group. They need to legalize recreational before I buy legally in the state.
I still hide the fact that I have my card. Unless directly asked if I have a medical mmj card or medicine is in question
Start to SUE officers DIRECTLY. Take funds from their pensions and sue LE institutions separately. Dept, County and State.
You cannot arrest people any longer if your arms are no longer available to you.
Yes they should have to prove that you are impaired while driving because right now if you smoke a joint today go out get pulled over and they want to take a blood test 3 weeks after smoking the joint if it shows up in your blood then you will get a DUI in Pennsylvania which is false imprisonment because they have no proof of impairment at that point
Why in the hell would you hand a cop your MMJ card when you got in an accident? I mean what the cops did was absolutely wrong but there’s zero reason for to be showing anything but your drivers license.
The question I have is why would you use your medical marijuana ID instead of your license? Also, were you high?
If you need crap weed to be a man you have failed. Grow up get a job.
Seth I love your delivery, this is the perfect job for you
Please give background as to wtf she used her weed card as identification 🤔
A card for a plant that grows out of the ground… think about that for a minute.
They don’t have a problem trying to force people to get a shitty vaccine that does nothing to stop COVID and possibly get anaphylaxis and heart ailments but they have a problem with a plant that helps with depression, back pain among other things. SMH
How many Pennsylvania state troopers were arrested for being perverts or harming their wives or their wives lovers. Look it up. Most of them are boozers .
Personal I think that Penndot has interduced the medical cannabis or for just that purpose to guarantee a dui
STATE: we will issue a mmj card just don’t show any of our law enforcement or they will f you. ME: wow that sounds like a trap
Police department desperate for cash funding and need arrests that’s all this is. A big joke for the police to profit off of. But at the same time when you walk into that dispensary think about where your money is going. THE STATE. don’t like getting arrested! Stop funding them !
Police get a hard on when they think they have a DUI.
Why would you use a medical marijuana card for ID….did you not have a driver’s license!!
can she sue ?
Pennsylvania is outdated. And the police in PA is so corrupt. Especially in Greensburg
Literally disgusting and ridiculous.
3 duis in 2 years come at me
All across the united states from one end to the other, the lawless enforcement officers will lay dead in the streets when the fury of the Apocalypse arrives. The birds and wildlife will pick their bones and they will become dung on the ground. This will happen soon.
As a medical cannabis patient, arresting ppl JUST for having the card is ridiculous, & PA needs to find a way to prove impairment like other states are doing. Because cannabis stays in your system so long, LONG after the effects have worn off, & there’s a bunch of factors for how long it stays in your system, they need new roadside tests just for cannabis, & I heard one state is trying to develop a cannabis breathalyzer! I agree that NO ONE should be driving impaired, but I also think they need to be harder on prescription medications that impair your driving as well.
The cards are a registry of who has it so they can come in and arrest you for whatever . (They are PLANTING EVIDENCE )
Pa state troopers are 🤡
Legalize marijuana in PA, period.
How did you sue ?
Typical, arrest everyone for anything. Assault and arrest.
It sounds like that cop was just triggered by the fact that cannabis is on its way to becoming completely legal. This applies to a large number of police officers.
Are cops getting commission for drug related arrests? If so, this is the only reason I could suspect for them to be this zealous in the war on "drugs" when they should be going to war against real crimes that have actual victims.
To ruin and extort not serve and protect.
Im drivin High F12
Never giving the government a penny for weed…Never.
That is kinda stupid on her part, I hide my medical card in my wallet knowing that if it’s found the cops will hassle me. Marijuana is still federally illegal that means it’s still an illicit substance use common sense people really.
Why would you give them you medical card and not your drivers license ??!
Yoo just give ur license why give a med card as a form of I.D ?
The police are Crooked they are in our country to Serve and Extort money from the people. They have to much power over us.
Drive cabs for over a decade. Never knew any of our drivers who didn’t smoke weed except for one really dorky guy who always was very slow, couldn’t read a map and got robbed a few times for leaving his money out.
Same thing happened to me in Lycoming County. When you here my experience it will blow your mind . Same thing with medical card and I’m diagnosed with seizures that are controlled that’s how I have a license. I had a seizure while driving ambulance came confirmed it when cops got there they asked where I was coming from I said dispensary gave them my license all of a sudden it turned into dui lost license did weeks in jail. Large fines and I wasn’t impared all Marijuana was unopened out of reach of driver which is a rule